Your search found 7 records
1 Fipps, G. 1993. Melons demonstrate drip under plastic efficiency. Irrigation Journal, 43(7):8-12.
Drip irrigation ; Plastics ; Furrow irrigation ; Irrigation scheduling ; Melons ; Crop production / USA / Texas
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H014084)

2 Marans, E. 1995. Use and performance of thermoplastics in microirrigation systems. In Lamm, F. R. (Ed.), Microirrigation for a changing world: Conserving resources/preserving the environment: Proceedings of the Fifth International Microirrigation Congress, Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6, 1995. St. Joseph, MI, USA: ASAE. pp.675-681.
Irrigation equipment ; Plastics ; Irrigation systems ; Small scale systems
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G000 LAM Record No: H018924)

3 Otoo, Miriam; Hope, L.; Kumar, S. N.; Vishwanath, P. S.; Atukorala, I. 2018. Franchising approach to municipal solid waste composting for profit (Terra Firma, India) - Case Study. In Otoo, Miriam; Drechsel, Pay (Eds.). Resource recovery from waste: business models for energy, nutrient and water reuse in low- and middle-income countries. Oxon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.411-421.
Municipal wastes ; Solid wastes ; Composting ; Waste management ; Organic fertilizers ; Biogas ; Plastics ; Recycling ; Public bodies ; Resource recovery ; Market economies ; Business models ; Supply chain / India / Bangalore / Karnataka
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H048663)
(1.14 MB)

4 Majumder, Ayan; Ulrich, Andreas; Taron, Avinandan. 2020. Catalog of technical options for solid waste management in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 115p.
Waste management ; Solid wastes ; Technological changes ; Value chains ; Resource recovery ; Reuse ; Waste disposal ; Waste collection ; Urban wastes ; Transport ; Waste treatment ; Recycling ; Waste landfills ; Methane fermentation ; Organic wastes ; Composting ; Plastics ; Fuels ; Regulations ; Planning ; Maintenance ; Costs ; Households ; Public participation / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050041)
(11.7 MB)

5 Nikiema, Josiane; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Asiedu, Zipporah; Saad, Dalia; Lamizana, B. 2020. Water pollution by plastics and microplastics: a review of technical solutions from source to sea. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 112p.
Water pollution ; Plastics ; Microplastics ; Waste management ; Sea pollution ; Freshwater pollution ; Contamination ; Water quality ; Wastewater treatment ; Treatment plants ; Recycling ; Technology ; Drinking water treatment ; Industrial wastewater ; Costs ; Municipal wastewater ; Solid wastes ; Sewage sludge ; Landfill leachates ; Waste incineration ; Risk ; Public health ; Health hazards ; Developing countries ; Policies ; Energy recovery ; Wetlands / USA / Europe / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050126)
(2.63 MB) (26.6 MB)

6 Nikiema, Josiane; Asiedu, Zipporah; Mateo-Sagasta, Javier; Saad, Dalia; Lamizana, B. 2020. Catalogue of technologies to address the risks of contamination of water bodies with plastics and microplastics. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). 62p.
Water pollution ; Plastics ; Microplastics ; Contamination ; Risk ; Waste management ; Wastewater treatment ; Technology ; Treatment plants ; Recycling ; Drinking water treatment ; Sewage sludge ; Landfill leachates ; Waste incineration ; Industrial wastewater ; Effluents ; Filtration ; Sea pollution ; Wetlands ; Cost benefit analysis ; Maintenance ; Developing countries ; Gender ; Women ; Policies ; Investment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050127)
(1.53 MB) (15.0 MB)

7 Nava, V.; Leoni, B. 2021. A critical review of interactions between microplastics, microalgae and aquatic ecosystem function. Water Research, 188:116476. [doi:]
Microplastics ; Algae ; Aquatic ecosystems ; Phytoplankton ; Cyanobacteria ; Environmental factors ; Aquatic environment ; Biofouling ; Plastics ; Seasonal variation
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050110)
(0.68 MB)
With the widespread occurrence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems having been firmly established, the focus of research has shifted towards the assessments of their influence on ecosystem functions and food webs. This includes interactions between microplastics and microalgae, as fundamental components at the base of aquatic food webs and pivotal organisms in a wide range of ecosystem functions. In this review, we present the current state of knowledge on microalgae–microplastic interactions and summarize the potential effect on their respective fate. Microplastics can and do interact with microalgae and the available literature has suggested that the epiplastic community of microalgae differs consistently from the surrounding aquatic communities; however, it is still not clear whether this different colonization is linked to the composition of the surface or more to the availability of a “hard” substrate on which organisms can attach and grow. Further studies are needed to understand to what extent the properties of different plastic materials and different environmental factors may affect the growth of microalgae on plastic debris. Biofouling may alter microplastic properties, especially increasing their density, consequently affecting the vertical fluxes of plastics. Moreover, microplastics may have toxic effects on microalgae, which could be physical or related to chemical interactions with plasticizers or other chemicals associated with plastics, with consequences for algal growth, photosynthetic activity, and morphology. Microplastics seems to have the potential to affect not only the quality (e.g., fatty acids and lipids composition, food dilution effect) but also the quantity of algal production, both positively and negatively. This may have consequences for energy fluxes, which may propagate throughout the whole food web and alter aquatic productivity. Even though experimental results have indicated reciprocal impacts between plastics and microalgae, it is currently difficult to predict how these impacts may manifest themselves at the ecosystem level. Therefore, further studies are needed to address this important topic.

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