Your search found 14 records
1 Unruh, J. D. 1990. Integration of transhumant pastoralism and irrigated agriculture in semi-arid East Africa. Human Ecology, 18(3):223-246.
Irrigated farming ; Pastoralism ; Land use ; Livestock ; Land tenure ; Grazing ; Forage / Somalia / Shabelle River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7798 Record No: H039882)

2 Samra, J. S.; Singh, G.; Dagar, J. C. (Eds.) 2006. Drought management strategies in India. New Delhi, India: Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Natural Resource Management Division. 277p.
Drought ; Groundwater ; Stream flow ; Hydrology ; Livestock ; Rangelands ; Grazing lands ; Forage / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 577.22 G635 SAM Record No: H040115)

3 Hsiao, T. C.; Steduto, P.; Fereres, E. 2007. A systematic and quantitative approach to improve water use efficiency in agriculture. Irrigation Science, 25:209-231.
Water use efficiency ; Irrigation efficiency ; Drainage ; Runoff ; Supplemental irrigation ; Infiltration ; Forage ; Animal production ; Overgrazing ; Economic analysis
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 7901 Record No: H040125)

4 Murty, M. V. R.; Singh, P.; Wani, S. P.; Khairwal, I. S.; Srinivas, K. 2007. Yield gap analysis of sorghum and pearl millet in India using simulation modeling. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT); Colombo, Sri Lanka: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. 76p. (Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report 37)
Cereals ; Sorghum ; Millets ; Forage ; Fodder ; Rainfed farming ; Supplemental irrigation ; Yields ; Soil resources ; Water balance ; Simulation models / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 633.2 G631 MUR Record No: H040822)
Sorghum and pearl millet are the staple cereals and important source of fodder for animals in the semi-arid and arid parts of India. In the present study, we have: a) characterized the distribution of sorghum and pearl millet in different production zones in India; b) estimated their rainfed potential, achievable and current levels of farmers’ yields; c) quantified the gaps between farmers’ yields and rainfed potential yields; and d) suggested ways to abridge the yield gaps. Using CERES-sorghum and CERES-pearl millet crop growth models and historical weather data, rainfed potential yields and water balance of sorghum (kharif and rabi) and pearl millet were estimated for selected locations in different production zones. Simulated yields were supplemented with the research station yields of rainfed trials and yields of frontline demonstrations, both obtained from the reports of the All India Coordinated Crop Improvement Projects on Sorghum and Pearl Millet. District level yields were considered as farmers’ yields. Based on these data, the yield gaps at various management levels were estimated. The farmers’ average yield was 970 kg ha-1 for kharif sorghum, 590 kg ha-1 for rabi sorghum and 990 kg ha-1 for pearl millet. Simulated rainfed potential yield in different production zones ranged from 3210 to 3410 kg ha-1 for kharif sorghum, 1000 to 1360 kg ha-1 for rabi sorghum and 1430 to 2090 kg ha-1 for pearl millet. Total yield gap (simulated rainfed potential yield - farmers’ yield) in production zones ranged from 2130 to 2560 kg ha-1 for kharif sorghum, 280 to 830 kg ha-1 for rabi sorghum and 680 to 1040 kg ha-1 for pearl millet. This indicates that productivity of kharif sorghum can be increased 3.0 to 4.0 times, rabi sorghum 1.4 to 2.7 times and pearl millet 1.8 to 2.3 times from their current levels of productivity. To abridge the yield gaps of sorghum and pearl millet, integrated watershed-based approach encompassing harvesting of excess rainfall for supplemental irrigation, growing high yielding crop cultivars, integrated nutrient management and integrated pest and disease management would be required. Value addition of products and their multiple uses are necessary to make them more remunerative for the farmers. This publication is part of the research project “Comprehensive Assessment of Water Scarcity and Food Security in Tropical Rainfed Water Scarcity System: A Multi-level Assessment of Existing Conditions, Response Options and Future Potentials” funded by the Government of Netherlands and ICRISAT.

5 Amede, T.; Delve, R. J. 2008. Modelling crop-livestock systems for achieving food security and increasing production efficiencies in the Ethiopian highlands. Experimental Agriculture, 44(4):441-452.
Food security ; Highlands ; Nutrition ; Households ; Models ; Income ; Food production ; Cropping systems ; Erosion ; Forage / Ethiopia / Gununo
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 338.19 G136 AME Record No: H041610)

6 Pearson, R.; Bauder, T.; Hansen, N.; Pritchett, J. 2008. Production management with reduced irrigation water supplies. Colorado Water Newsletter, 28(2):24-26.
Production controls ; Irrigation water ; Water supply ; Precipitation ; Crop yield ; Maize ; Cover plants ; Forage ; Feed crops ; Sorghum
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H044753)
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7 Nair, P. K. R.; Garrity, D. (Eds.) 2012. Agroforestry - the future of global land use. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 549p. (Advances in Agroforestry 9) [doi:]
Agroforestry systems ; Land use ; Land management ; Landscape ; Climate change ; Adaptation ; Habitats ; Ecosystem services ; Biodiversity conservation ; Rural development ; Trees ; Domestication ; Carbon sequestration ; Carbon credits ; Agriculture ; Farming systems ; Research and Development ; Energy conservation ; Energy generation ; Renewable energy ; Bioenergy ; Industrialization ; Soil properties ; Rangelands ; Gender ; Smallholders ; Food security ; Germplasm ; Rehabilitation ; Greenhouse gases ; Emission ; Sustainability ; Organic agriculture ; Organic fertilizers ; Faidherbia albida ; Natural resources management ; Forest conservation ; Tillage ; Residues ; Nutrient cycling ; Grazing ; Cropping systems ; Shifting cultivation ; Rubber plants ; Wetlands ; Living standards ; Cashews ; Smallholders ; Fruit growing ; Poverty ; Rural communities ; Environmental policy ; Environmental services ; Silvopastoral systems ; Economic aspects ; Alley cropping ; Reclamation ; Indigenous knowledge ; Urbanization ; Agrobiodiversity ; Fertilizers ; Resource conservation ; Legal aspects ; Corporate culture ; Theobroma cacao ; Coffea ; Forage ; Soil fertility ; Case studies / Asia / Europe / Africa / Indonesia / China / USA / Canada / Japan / Latin America / Kenya / Philippines / Niger / Amazon / Sumatra / Xishuangbanna
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H047924)

8 Devaux, A.; Torero, M.; Donovan, J.; Horton, D. (Eds.) 2016. Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: successes and challenges. Washington, DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 529p. [doi:]
Agricultural trade ; Supply chain ; Markets ; Agricultural research ; Innovation ; Collective action ; Participatory approaches ; Partnerships ; Stakeholders ; Smallholders ; Farmer participation ; Contract farming ; Households ; Rural poverty ; Gender ; Quantitative analysis ; Institutional development ; Agricultural policy ; Guidelines ; Assets ; Performance evaluation ; Agricultural production ; Coffee industry ; Livestock production ; Beef cattle ; Dairy industry ; Forage ; Agricultural economics ; Econometrics ; Models ; Developing countries ; Case studies / Africa / Andean Region / Nicaragua / Ecuador / Bolivia / Peru / Colombia / Ethiopia / Syria / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048059)
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9 Leh, Mansoor D.K.; Sharpley, A. N.; Singh, G.; Matlock, M. D. 2018. Assessing the impact of the MRBI [Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative] program in a data limited Arkansas Watershed using the SWAT model. Agricultural Water Management, 202:202-219. [doi:]
Watersheds ; Resource conservation ; Best practices ; Development programmes ; Water quality ; Stream flow ; Ponds ; Wetlands ; Soils ; Land use ; Simulation models ; Crop management ; Cover plants ; Grassland management ; Forage ; Biomass production / USA / Arkansas / Lake Conway Point Remove Watershed / Mississippi River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048717)
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The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) developed the Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative (MRBI) program to improve the health, water quality and wildlife habitat within the Mississippi River Basin. Lake Conway Point Remove (LCPR) watershed was identified as one of the watersheds for the MRBI program implementation. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the MRBI program in LCPR watershed using a computer simulation model. Seven best management practices (BMPs) (pond, wetland, pond and wetland, cover crops, vegetative filter strips, grassed waterways and forage and biomass planting) were modelled under four placement strategies: random placement in 30% of the watershed, random placement in 30% hydrologic response units (HRUs) of the high priority hydrological unit code (HUCs), placement in the top 30% of the high priority HUCs, and top 30% of the HRUs in the HUCs near the outlet of the watershed. The model was calibrated for flow for the period 1987–2006 and validated for the period 2007–2012. Sediment and nutrients were validated from 2011 to 2012. Out of the BMPs evaluated, grassed waterways proved to be the most effective BMP in reducing sediment and nutrient loads from row crop (soy beans) and pasture fields. Reductions at the watershed outlet ranged 0–1% for flow, 0.28–14% for sediment, 0.3–10% for TP and 0.3–9% for TN. Relatively higher reductions were observed at the subwatershed level, flow reductions ranged 0–51%, sediment reductions -1 to 79%, TP -1 to 65% and TN -0.37 to 66% depending on BMP type, placement scenario, and watershed characteristics. The results from this study provide the data to help prioritize monitoring needs for collecting watershed response data in LCPR and BMP implementation evaluations, which could be used to inform decisions in similar studies.

10 Mapedza, Everisto; Tsegai, D.; Bruntrup, M.; McLeman, R. (Eds.) 2019. Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 363p. (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research Volume 2)
Drought tolerance ; Policies ; Developing countries ; Climate change mitigation ; Adaptation ; Weather hazards ; Early warning systems ; Disaster preparedness ; Resilience ; Monitoring ; Satellite observation ; Remote sensing ; Forecasting ; Food security ; Energy ; Water scarcity ; Nexus ; Intercropping ; Maize ; Legumes ; Crop insurance ; Livestock management ; Forage ; Sustainable land management ; Rainwater harvesting ; Strategies ; Impact assessment ; Gender ; Small scale farming ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Migration ; Conflicts ; Indigenous knowledge ; Semiarid zones ; Drylands ; SADC countries ; Living standards ; Households ; Social protection ; Rural areas ; Pastoralists ; Communities / Africa South of Sahara / Southern Africa / East Africa / Latin America / South Asia / USA / Brazil / Mexico / Colombia / United Republic of Tanzania / Uganda / Ethiopia / Kenya / Mali / India / Yucatan / Xuilub / Andhra Pradesh / Laikipia / Lincoln / Colorado
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H049366)
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11 Kakumanu, K. R.; Kuppannan, Palanisami; Nagothu, U. S.; Kotapati, G. R.; Maram, S.; Gattineni, S. R. 2019. Making weather index insurance effective for agriculture and livestock forage: lessons from Andhra Pradesh, India. In Mapedza, Everisto; Tsegai, D.; Bruntrup, M.; McLeman, R. (Eds.). Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. pp.183-194. (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research Volume 2) [doi:]
Weather ; Crop insurance ; Rain ; Temperature ; Risks ; Seasonal cropping ; Rice ; Chillies ; Cotton ; Livestock ; Forage ; Villages ; Farmers / India / Andhra Pradesh / Guntur / Kurnool
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H049370)
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12 del Rio-Mena, T.; Willemen, L.; Tesfamariam, G. T.; Beukes, O.; Nelson, A. 2020. Remote sensing for mapping ecosystem services to support evaluation of ecological restoration interventions in an arid landscape. Ecological Indicators, 113:106182. (Online first) [doi:]
Ecosystem services ; Ecological control ; Remote sensing ; Arid zones ; Normalized difference vegetation index ; Revegetation ; Earth observation satellites ; Geographical information systems ; Essential oils ; Biomass ; Thicket ; Forage ; Land degradation ; Erosion control ; Water flow ; Regulations ; Livestock ; Indicators ; Models / South Africa / Baviaanskloof Hartland Bawarea Conservancy
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049672)
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Considerable efforts and resources are being invested in integrated conservation and restoration interventions in rural arid areas. Empirical research for quantifying ecosystem services – nature’s benefits to people – is essential for evaluating the range of benefits of ecological restoration and to support its use in natural resource management. Satellite remote sensing (RS) can be used to monitor interventions, especially in large and remote areas. In this study we used field measurements, RS-based information from Sentinel-2 imagery together with soil and terrain data, to estimate ecosystem service supply and evaluate integrated ecological restoration interventions. We based our research on the arid, rural landscape of the Baviaanskloof Hartland Bawarea Conservancy, South Africa, where several integrated interventions have been implemented in areas where decades of small livestock farming has led to extensive land degradation. Interventions included i) long term livestock exclusion, ii) revegetating of degraded areas, iii) a combination of these two, and iv) essential oil production as alternatives to goat and sheep farming. We assessed six ecosystem services linked to the objectives of the interventions: erosion prevention, climate regulation, regulation of water flows, provision of forage, biomass for essential oil production, and the sense of place through presence of native species. We first estimated the ecosystem service supply based on field measurements. Secondly, we explored the relationships between ecosystem services quantities derived from the field measurements with 13 Sentinel-2 indices and four soil and terrain variables. We then selected the best fitting model for each ecosystem service. Finally, we compared the supply of ecosystem services between intervened and non-intervened sites. Results showed that models based on Sentinel-2 indices, combined with slope information, can estimate ecosystem services supply in the study area even when the levels of field-based ecosystem services supplies are low. The RS-based models can assess ecosystem services more accurately when their indicators mainly depend on green vegetation, such as for erosion prevention and provision of forage. The agricultural fields presented high variability between plots on the provision of ecosystem services. The use of Sentinel-2 vegetation indices and terrain data to quantify ecosystem services is a first step towards improving the monitoring and assessment of restoration interventions. Our results showed that in the study area, livestock exclusion lead to a consistent increase in most ecosystem services.

13 Gret-Regamey, A.; Weibel, B. 2020. Global assessment of mountain ecosystem services using earth observation data. Ecosystem Services, 46:101213. [doi:]
Ecosystem services ; Observation ; Globalization ; Assessment ; Mapping ; Mountain ranges ; Land use change ; Land cover ; Water supply ; Vegetation ; Grasslands ; Forage ; Wood ; Carbon sequestration ; Rain ; Models
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050137)
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Ecosystem services assessments have the potential to support negotiating the complex trade-offs between conservation goals and other economic, political and social agendas across administrative borders, spatial and temporal scales. While earlier studies showed the global importance of tropical areas in supplying ecosystem services, the specific contribution of mountain areas has not been investigated in details. The degradation of mountain ecosystems driven by climate, demographic and economic changes is however increasingly threatening essential ecosystem services supply to people living in- and outside mountains. In this study, we present an assessment of eight ecosystem services in mountains across the world using high resolution earth observation datasets for 2000 and 2010. We link the ecosystem services supply data with an expert survey dataset to assess ecosystem services demand. We show that most mountain ranges show large patches of decreasing ecosystem services in areas characterized by high population pressure. By comparing ecosystem services supply of and demand for ecosystem services, we highlight the growing scarcity of highly demanded ecosystem services, in particular water, food and forage in mountain areas of Global South. Population growth in mountain regions and surrounding lowlands accentuate this trend and call for urgent solutions to sustainably manage ecosystems in mountain areas.

14 Diro, S.; Tesfaye, A.; Erko, B. 2022. Determinants of adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices in the coffee-based farming system of Ethiopia. Agriculture and Food Security, 11:42. [doi:]
Climate-smart agriculture ; Technology ; Agricultural practices ; Farming systems ; Coffee ; Intercropping ; Minimum tillage ; Water management ; Water conservation ; Crop production ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Forage ; Households ; Multivariate analysis ; Econometrics ; Models / Ethiopia / Oromia / Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNPR) / Gedeo / Sidama / Kafa / Sheka / Ilubabor / Jimma / West Wollega / Kellem Wollega
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051226)
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Objectives: This study explored the adoption status of different Climate Smart Agricultural (CSA) practices and factors that influence their adoption for sustainable soil resource utilization in the changing climate.
Methodology: We used quantitative and qualitative primary data collected from smallholder farmers and other stakeholders from major coffee-growing regions of Ethiopia: Oromia, and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP). We used the multivariate probit (MVP) model to study factors that influence the adoption of climate-smart agricultural technologies, namely, manure application, minimum tillage, intercropping, use of improved forage, and physical soil and water management practices.
Results: The study result shows that 35% of farmers apply manure on their farm plots. Minimum tillage is also applied to 36% of farms. Intercropping improved forages and physical soil and water management structures are adopted by 45, 19, and 47% of farmers, respectively. The finding of the study indicates the positive and significant effect of education, extension (access to extension services and participation on field days), and ownership of communication devices specifically radio on the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices.
Recommendations: Concerning bodies must pay due attention to problems affecting effective farmers-extension linkage. The positive effect of radio ownership on technology adoption also suggests the need for increased accessibility of FM radio channels to farmers to be aware of climate change and innovative agricultural technologies, practices, and information that mitigate the problem.

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