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1 Ibrahim, S.; Lubberding, H. J.; Drechsel, Pay; van der Steen, P.. 2008. Improving decision-making on interventions in the urban water system of Accra. Urban Agriculture Magazine, 20:19-20.
Water resource management ; Decision making ; Urbanization ; Sanitation ; Wastewater ; Health hazards / Ghana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H041617)
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2 Labite, H.; Lunani, I.; van der Steen, P.; Vairavamoorthy, K.; Drechsel, Pay; Lens, P. 2010. Quantitative microbial risk analysis to evaluate health effects of interventions in the urban water system of Accra, Ghana. Journal of Water and Health, 8(3):417-430. [doi:]
Risk analysis ; Health hazards ; Pathogens ; Diseases ; Public health ; Water supply ; Sanitation ; Urban areas / Ghana / Accra
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042752)
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A quantitative microbial risk assessment was applied to evaluate the microbial risks of the Accra Urban Water System (AUWS). The exposure assessment was based on the count of indicator organisms in waste water from open roadside drains and in water and sand samples from the beach. The predicted total disease burden generated in a representative catchment of the AUWS (Odaw Catchment) was 36,329 Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) per year, of which 12% and 88% are caused by, respectively, shortcomings in the water supply system and inappropriate sanitation. The DALYs per person per year were above the WHO reference value. The open roadside drain had the highest contribution to the disease burden. Of four possible interventions evaluated for health risk reduction, the highest efficiency in terms of DALYs averted per euro invested are achieved by providing covers for the open roadside drains.

3 Hosney, H.; Tawfik, Mohamed Hassan; Duker, A.; van der Steen, P.. 2023. Prospects for treated wastewater reuse in agriculture in low- and middle-income countries: systematic analysis and decision-making trees for diverse management approaches. Environmental Development, 46:100849. [doi:]
Water reuse ; Wastewater management ; Decision making ; Wastewater irrigation ; Agriculture ; Irrigation water ; Wastewater treatment ; Stakeholders ; Institutions ; Case studies / Middle East / North Africa / Egypt / Jordan / Sarapeum / Jordan Valley
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051840)
(10.50 MB)
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is suffering from severe water scarcity. Decision-makers in MENA are tackling this challenge by tapping the potential of reusing treated wastewater in agriculture so that large volumes of freshwater sources can be released for priority domestic needs. This aligns with the global efforts to make wastewater reuse mainstream in developing countries by overcoming the technological, infrastructural, health, and socio-cultural barriers that are limiting the expansion of wastewater reuse in agriculture. In this regard, this paper analyses the management modalities of wastewater reuse practices in agriculture in MENA by studying two case studies from Egypt and Jordan. The result of this analysis is a proposed decision-tree tool to help decision-makers in making optimal wastewater reuse decisions based on contextual factors including agricultural field demands, location, freshwater resources, sanitation coverage, and infrastructure, as well as regulations, policies, and restrictions for wastewater reuse. The decision-tree framework was operationalized and validated using the two case studies. The decision tree proved to be an effective framework in assisting decision-makers in making the optimum choice for wastewater reuse in agriculture. It aided the decision maker in evaluating potential reuse options and selecting between several courses of action.

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