Your search found 4 records
1 Goldman, R. H.; Squire, L.. 1978. Technical change, labor use and income distribution in the Muda Irrigation Project. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard Institute of International Development. Harvard University. 81p. (Harvard Institute of International Development discussion paper no.35)
Rice ; Farm income ; Labor ; Economic development ; Cropping systems ; Income distribution / Malaysia / Muda River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.4 G714 GOL Record No: H01036)
The paper focuses on factors influencing the performance of net income in families adopting the double cropping regime. A detailed analysis of pre-and-post-Project farm surveys augmented by a discussion of Project and non-Project related factors influencing input and output prices is presented.

2 Singh, I,; Squire, L.; Strauss, J. (Eds.) 1986. Agricultural household models: Extensions, applications, and policy. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press for the World Bank. xi, 335p.
Agricultural society ; Agricultural development ; Consumption ; Extension ; Case studies ; Price policy ; Developing countries ; Models
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.1 G000 SIN Record No: H03343)

3 Goldman, R. H.; Squire, L.. 1982. Technical change, labor use, and income distribution in the Muda Irrigation Project. Economic Development and Cultural Change, pp.753-775.
Rice ; Farm income ; Water use ; Labor / Malaysia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 2368 Record No: H011267)

4 Deininger, K.; Squire, L.. 1988. New ways of looking at old issues: Inequality and growth. Journal of Development Economics, 57:259-287.
Income distribution ; Poverty ; Economic development
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7144 Record No: H036227)

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