Your search found 2 records
1 Shaxson, T. F.. 1990. Crossing some watersheds in conservation thinking. Splash, 6(1):5-7.
Watershed management ; Social aspects ; Rural sociology ; Land use
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 1915 Record No: H06323)

2 Shaxson, T. F.. 1993. Conservation-effectiveness of farmers' actions: A criterion of good land husbandry. In Baum, E.; Wolff, P.; Z"bisch, M. A. (Eds.), Acceptance of soil and water conservation: Strategies and technologies. Witzenhausen, Germany: DITSL. pp.103-128.
Soil conservation ; Soil degradation ; Runoff ; Erosion ; Farmer participation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 BAU Record No: H017333)

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