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1 Lesterlin, G.; Giordano, Mark; Keohavong, G.. 2005. When “conservation” leads to land degradation: lessons from Ban Lak Sip, Laos. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). v, 25p. (IWMI Research Report 091) [doi:]
Land degradation ; Soil erosion ; Farming systems ; Environmental policy ; Political ecology ; Households ; Population growth / Laos / Ban Lak Sip
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.5 G000 LES Record No: H037202)
In this report, we test the hypothesis that the primary factors behind the farming system changes in Ban Lak Sip lay not in the village itself but rather in the broader Laotian social, economic and political setting. The study uses an integrated approach that examines both the physical and social dimensions of land use and soil erosion in Ban Lak Sip within this broader system environment.

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