Your search found 4 records
1 Framji, K. K.; Garg, B. C.; Luthra, S. D. L. 1981 - 1983. Irrigation and drainage in the world: A global review. New Delhi, India: ICID. 3 Vols. (cxxv, 491 p.; lxvii, 1159 p.; lxxxvi, 1667 p.)
Irrigation ; Drainage ; Project appraisal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G000 FRA Record No: H0658)

2 Framji, K. K.; Garg, B. C.; Kaushish, S. P. 1984. Design practices of open drainage channels in an agricultural land drainage system. New Delhi, India: ICID. xiii, 343 p.
Drainage ; Mathematical models ; Design ; Agriculture
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G000 FRA Record No: H0703)

3 Framji, K. K.; Garg, B. C.; Kaushish, S. P. (Eds.) 1987. Design practices for covered drains in an agricultural land drainage systems: A worldwide survey. New Delhi, India: ICID. xliv, 438 p.
Agriculture ; Land ; Drainage ; Design
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.62 G000 FRA Record No: H03177)

4 Framji, K. K.; Garg, B. C.; Kaushish, S. P. (Eds.) 1987. Design practices for covered drains in an agricultural land drainage system: A world-wide survey. New Delhi, India: ICID. xliv, 438p.
Drainage ; Design criteria ; Construction ; Maintenance ; Drains ; Pipes ; Subsurface drainage ; Paddy fields ; Wells ; Salinity control
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.62 G000 FRA Record No: H033586)

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