Your search found 1 records
1 Dozima, G. Jr; Kikuchi, M.; Hayami, Y. 1976. Mobilizing local resources for irrigation development: A communal system in central Luzon, Phillipines. In IRRI, Irrigation policy and management in Southeast Asia. Los BaƱos, Laguna, Phillipines: IRRI. pp.135-142.
Resource management ; Rehabilitation ; Dams ; Returns ; Cost benefit analysis / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G570 IRR Record No: H01647)
The rehabilitation of the 90-ha river-diversion Cavite Communal Irrigation System in Zambales province, Philippines, involved replacing a washed-out temporary dam with a concrete structure and improving portions of the system's primary canal network. The case study showed high rates of return to the communal labor working on the project and to the total package of resources used in the rehabilitation. A relatively greater share of the benefits of rehabilitation accrued to farm laborers than to farm operators or landlords.

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