Your search found 2 records
1 Reardon, T.; Matlon, P.; Delgado, C.. 1988. Coping with household-level food insecurity in drought affected areas of Burkina Faso. World Development, 16(9):1065-1074.
Food security ; Drought ; Crop production ; Households ; Income ; Policy making / Burkina Faso
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H05193)
(5.47 MB)

2 Delgado, C.; Hazell, P.; Hopkins, J.; Kelly, V. 1994. Promoting intersectoral growth linkages in rural Africa through agricultural technology and policy reform. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(5):1166-1171. (IFPRI reprint no.303)
Rural economy ; Agricultural economics ; Technology ; Agricultural policy ; Models ; Households ; Expenditure / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3856 Record No: H016818)

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