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1 Dillon, P.; Pavelic, P.; Page, D.; Beringen, H.; Ward, J. 2009. Managed aquifer recharge: an introduction. Canberra, Australia: National Water Commission. 65p. (Waterlines Report Series 13)
Aquifers ; Recharge ; Water storage ; Recycling ; Water resource management ; Water governance ; Urban areas ; Rural areas ; Water supply ; Development projects / Australia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042544)
(2.29 MB)
This document summarises at an introductory level the relevant information needed to consider managed aquifer recharge (MAR), alongside other better-known alternatives, as a prospective new water supply for drinking or non-potable uses. It contains information on economics of MAR and some governance issues that has not previously been published. The document outlines the opportunities that MAR may provide, primarily for cities but also in rural and regional areas. It does not attempt to describe the many technical issues that are covered in the scientific literature accessible from the sources referenced here.

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