Your search found 2 records
1 Beardsley, R. K.. 1964. Ecological and social parallels between rice-growing communities of Japan and Spain. In V. E. Garfield (Ed.), Symposium on community studies in anthropology (pp. 51-62). Seattle, USA: American Ethnological.
Human ecology ; Social aspects ; Rice ; Community development ; Land tenure ; Farming ; Canals ; Irrigation systems ; Small scale systems / Japan / Spain
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G696 BEA Record No: H01650)
This study compares the community life of villagers in two widely separate parts of the earth -- western Japan and the east coast of Spain fronting the Mediterranean Sea near Valencia. Here are farmlands half a world apart, yet strikingly alike even in visible details, being well-watered coastal plains given over to small, intensively cultivated rice fields wherever water can be led by a complex system of irrigation canals. Attention is called particularly to the elaborate irrigation systems, each the product of about 1,000 years of development, and to the prevalence of smallholder owner-farmers in the two areas. The central question treated here is how closely patterns of landholding and productive technology may be linked to basic patterns of local social organization.

2 Beardsley, R. K.; Hall, J. W.; Ward, R. E. 1980. Japanese irrigation cooperatives. In Coward, E. W. Jr. (Ed.), Irrigation and agricultural development in Asia: Perspectives from the social sciences. Ithaca, NY, USA: Cornell University Press. pp.127-152.
Irrigation ; Land use ; Water control ; Drainage ; Social aspects ; Cooperatives / Japan / Niike
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.8 G570 COW Record No: H04674)

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