Your search found 4 records
1 Ogilvie, A.; Mahe, G.; Ward, J.; Serpantie, G.; Lemoalle, J.; Morand, P.; Barbier, B.; Diop, A. T.; Caron, A.; Namarra, Regassa; Kaczan, D.; Lukasiewicz, A.; Paturel, J-E.; Lienou, G.; Clanet, J. C. 2010. Water, agriculture and poverty in the Niger River Basin. Water International, 35(5):594-622. (Special Issue on "Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins, Part 1" with contributions by IWMI authors). [doi: 10.1080/02508060.2010.515545]
River basins ; Climate ; Water resource management ; Water availability ; Water productivity ; Irrigated farming ; Rainfed farming ; Institutions ; Livestock ; Fisheries ; Poverty ; Water poverty / West Africa / Nigeria / Mali / Niger / Burkina Faso / Ivory Coast / Niger River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: PER Record No: H043335)
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Livelihoods in the Niger River basin rely mainly on rainfed agriculture, except in the dry extreme north. Low yields and water productivity result from low inputs, short growing seasons, dry spells, and excessive water. The overlap of traditional and modern rules impedes secure access to water and investments in agriculture by generating uncertain land tenure. Improved agriculture and water management require technical, sociological, and regulatory changes to address the wider causes of poverty. Illiteracy and poor water quality, both correlated with high infant mortality, are pressing problems. Rapidly increasing population, climatic changes and dam construction contribute to rural vulnerability.

2 Kemp-Benedict, E.; Cook, S.; Allen, S. L.; Vosti, S.; Lemoalle, J.; Giordano, Mark; Ward, J.; Kaczan, D.. 2011. Connections between poverty, water and agriculture: evidence from 10 river basins. Water International, 36(1):125-140. (Special issue on "Water, food and poverty in river basins, Part 2: Cross-basin analysis and synthesis" with contributions by IWMI authors). [doi:]
Water poverty ; Poverty ; Economic development ; Agriculture ; Water management ; River basins
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: PER Record No: H043965)
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The authors analysed livelihood conditions in 10 river basins over three continents to identify generalizable links between water, agriculture and poverty. There were signi cant variations in hydrological conditions, livelihood strategies and institutions across basins, but also systematic patterns across levels of economic development. At all levels, access to water is in uenced by local, regional or national institutions, while the importance of national versus local institutions and livelihood strategies vary with economic development. The cross-basin analysis suggests a framework for thinking about ater–agriculture–poverty links that can inform future research and policy development.

3 Ogilvie, A.; Mahe, G.; Ward, J.; Serpantie, G.; Lemoalle, J.; Morand, P.; Barbier, B.; Diop, A. T.; Caron, A.; Namara, Regassa; Kaczan, D.; Lukasiewicz, A.; Paturel, J.-E.; Lienou, G.; Clanet, J. C. 2012. Water, agriculture and poverty in the Niger River Basin. In Fisher, M.; Cook, Simon (Eds.). Water, food and poverty in river basins: defining the limits. London, UK: Routledge. pp.131-159.
Water management ; River Basins ; Agricultural production ; Rainfed farming ; Irrigated farming ; Poverty ; Social aspects ; Living conditions ; Indicators ; Water productivity ; Water availability ; Rain ; Mapping ; Agroclimatic zones ; Land tenure ; Livestock ; Fisheries ; Corporate culture / West Africa / Niger River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H044842)
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4 Kemp-Benedict, E.; Cook, Simon; Allen, S. L.; Vosti, S.; Lemoalle, J.; Giordano, Mark; Ward, J.; Kaczan, D.. 2012. Connections between poverty, water and agriculture: evidence from 10 river basins. In Fisher, M.; Cook, Simon (Eds.). Water, food and poverty in river basins: defining the limits. London, UK: Routledge. pp.363-378.
Poverty ; Water poverty ; Water scarcity ; Water productivity ; Agriculture ; River basin development ; Social aspects ; Living conditions ; Hydrology ; Economic development ; Institutions / South America / Asia / Africa / Iran / Limpopo River Basin / Niger River Basin / Nile River Basin / Volta River Basin / Ganges River Basin / Karkeheh River Basin / Mekong River Basin / Yellow River Basin / Andes River Basins
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H044851)
(1.19 MB)

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