Your search found 2 records
1 Germany. Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation; Germany. Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry; International Cooperation and Transfer GmbH. 1988. Highlights of German research projects in the tropics and subtropics. Berlin, Germany: ICT GmbH. x, 114p.
Agricultural research ; Agricultural development ; Land use ; Soils ; Developing countries / Germany
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631 G584 FED Record No: H03763)

2 International Cooperation and Transfer Gmbh; Weniger, J. H.; German Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research. 1988. Agricultural research for the tropics and subtropics: Current projects of research institutes in the Federal Republic of Germany. Bonn, Germany: ICT Gmbh. x, 741p.
Agricultural research ; Research projects ; Research institutes ; International cooperation / Germany
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 630.72 G854 INT Record No: H04467)

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