Your search found 3 records
1 Woolley, Jonathan; Harrington, Larry; Huber-Lee, Annette; Douthwaite, Boru; Geheb, Kim; Vidal, Alain; George, Pamela; Nguyen Khoa, Sophie. 2009. Integrated food and water research for development. In Chartres, Colin (Ed.). Words into action: delegate publication for the 5th World Water Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-22 March 2009. London, UK: Faircount Media Group. pp.84-88.
Water use ; Water security ; Water scarcity ; Water productivity ; River basins ; Reservoirs ; Cropping systems ; Livestock ; Research projects / Ethiopia / South Africa / Limpopo Basin / Nile Basin / Volta Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 333.9162 G635 SAL Record No: H042189)
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2 Woolley, Jonathan; Cook, Simon E.; Molden, David; Harrington, Larry. 2009. Water, food and development: the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. Water International, 34(1):4-12. [doi:]
Research projects ; Research institutes ; Food security ; Water scarcity ; Poverty ; Productivity ; River basins / Karkheh River Basin / Mekong River Basin / Volta River River Basin / Sao Francisco River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042308)
(0.20 MB)
Providing the water needed to produce food for more than 9 billion people by 2050 seems simple: agriculture must produce more food with less water. However, three complex issues are involved: First, water, food production and rural development do not have a simple correlation. Second, there are interactions between processes at local, basin and global scales. Third, change involves people in complex networks of institutions. The Challenge Program on Water and Food brings together agriculturalists, hydrologists and development specialists in a global-to-local programme that focuses on change through institutions. We believe that this scale, complexity and involvement are necessary to deliver plausible change.

3 Harrington, Larry; Cook, Simon E.; Lemoalle, Jacques; Kirby, Mac; Taylor, C.; Woolley, Jonathan. 2009. Cross-basin comparisons of water use, water scarcity and their impact on livelihoods: present and future. Water International, 34(1):144-154. [doi: 10.1080/02508060802661584]
Water availability ; Water use ; Water scarcity ; Water productivity ; River basins ; Diversification ; Intensification ; Poverty ; Climate change ; Population growth
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042312)
(0.24 MB)
We compare water availability, water use, water productivity and poverty across the diverse river basins studied by the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. Water productivity tends to be higher in drier areas and where livestock grazing is integrated with rainfed crop production. We find that links among water, food security and poverty are best understood within a historical perspective. We identify opportunities to reduce poverty through water-related interventions. The way in which waterrelated investments affect poverty is influenced by changes in demography, climate, and rural society. In most basins, these trends involve trade-offs that require good governance at local, regional and basin scales.

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