Your search found 4 records
1 Gladwin, C. H.. 1983. Contributions of decision-tree methodology to a farming systems program. Human Organization, 42(2):146-157.
Farming systems ; Methodology ; Decision making
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: P 1215 Record No: H02554)

2 Gladwin, C. H.. 1989. Modeling farmers' decisions to change: Using cognitive science in the design of agricultural technology. In Groenfeldt, D.; Moock, J. L. (Eds.) Social science perspectives on managing agricultural technology. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.127-141.
Farmers ; Decision making ; Agriculture ; Technology ; Models
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 GRO Record No: H005732)
(0.15 MB)

3 Gladwin, C. H.. 1996. Gender in research design: Old debates and new issues. In Breth, S. A. (Ed.), Achieving greater impact from research investments in Africa: Proceedings of the workshop Developing African Agriculture..., held in Addis Ababa, September 26-30, 1995. Mexico, DF, Mexico: Sasakawa Africa Association. pp.127-149.
Gender ; Women in development ; Farmers ; Households ; Agricultural research / Africa South of Sahara
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 630.72 G100 BRE Record No: H019638)

4 Morera, M. C.; Gladwin, C. H.. 2006. Does off-farm work discourage soil conservation? Incentives and distinctives throughout two Honduran hillside communities. Human Ecology, 34(3):355-378.
Soil conservation ; Farmers ; Decision making / Honduras
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7794 Record No: H039878)

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