Your search found 2 records
1 Bunting, A. H.. (Ed.) 1987. Agricultural environments: Characterization, classification and mapping - Proceedings of the Rome workshop on agro-ecological characterization, classification and mapping, 14-18 April 1986. Wallingford, UK: CABI. xiii, 335p. + maps.
Agricultural development ; Ecology ; Mapping ; Crop production ; Geography ; Land ; Social status ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631 G000 BUN Record No: H02991)
The book reviews current and internationally accepted and compatible methods for describing agricultural environments (topography, terrain, soil, weather, climate, hydrology, vegetation and socio-economic circumstances); and using the results to advance development in agriculture and in the rural space in the poorer nations of the world. ; It contains the papers and summaries of the discussions at an authoritative international consultation organised in 1986 by the International Agricultural Research Centres with the support of FAO and the cooperation of WMO. Though it is directed in the first place to the needs of the developing nations, the concepts, purposes, methods and applications are relevant to all environments.

2 Bunting, A. H.. 1987. Irrigation in Africa's agricultural future. ICID Bulletin, 36(2):12-23.
Irrigation ; Agricultural development ; Policy ; Population ; Arid lands ; Rain-fed farming / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H03839)

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