Your search found 1 records
1 Sudradjat, W.; Abdullah Abas, I.; Suwardjo, H.; Kusnadi, H.; Noch, M.; Suganda, H.; Woodhead, T. 1989. Effects of soil moisture content and soil tillage on soil physical properties, mungbean growth and production after rice in dystropepts soil, in Kuningan, West Java. IRRI-IIMI-AARD Collaborative Research Program, Centre For Soil Research, Bogor, Indonesia, November 1989. 45p. + annexes.
Soil moisture ; Soil properties ; Tillage ; Plant growth ; Rice ; Cereals ; Crop production ; Water use efficiency ; Soil water ; Irrigation effects / West Java
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 630.72 G662 SUD Record No: H014837)

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