Your search found 3 records
1 Dayaratne, P.; Linden, O.; De Silva, M. W. R. 1995. Puttalam Lagoon and Mundel Lake, Sri Lanka: A study of coastal resources, their utilization, environmental issues and management options. Ambio, 24(7-8):391-401.
Lagoons ; Lakes ; Fisheries ; Estuaries ; Mangroves ; Coral reefs ; Environmental effects / Sri Lanka / Puttalam Lagoon / Mundel Lake
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7500 Record No: H038373)

2 Johnson, P.; Johnstone, R. 1995. Productivity and nutrient dynamics of tropical sea-grass communities in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Ambio, 24(7/8):411-417.
Grasses ; Lagoons ; Ecosystems ; Fish ; Effluents ; Salinity / Sri Lanka / Puttalam Lagoon
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7550 Record No: H038902)

3 Piyadasa, R. U. K. 2008. Interactions between saline and fresh water in coastal region of northwestern Sri Lanka. In Bhattacharya, P.; Ramanathan, A. L.; Mukherjee, A. B.; Bundschuh, J.; Chandrasekharam, D.; Keshari, A. K. (Eds.). Groundwater for sustainable development: problems, perspectives and challenges. Leiden, Netherlands: Taylor & Francis. pp.233-241.
Salt water intrusion ; Lagoons ; Coastal area ; Hydrogeology / Sri Lanka / Puttalam Lagoon
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 553.79 G000 BHA Record No: H042598)

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