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1 Tuong, T. P.; Hoanh, Chu Thai. 2009. Managing water and land resources for sustainable livelihoods at the interface between fresh and saline water environments in Vietnam and Bangladesh: CPWF project report. Project Report submitted to the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Partner Organizations. 93p.
Natural resources management ; Impact assessment ; Farming systems ; Irrigated farming ; Canals ; Rice ; Aquaculture ; Fisheries ; Coastal area ; Water quality ; Salinity control ; Models ; Decision support tools ; Participatory rural appraisal ; Households / South Asia / South East Asia / Vietnam / Bangladesh / Mekong River Basin / Gangetic River Basin / Minh Dieu Village / Phong Thanh Village / Batiaghata / Tala / Bac Lieu Province
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042709)
(3.46 MB)
In summary, the project findings improved production systems that integrate agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries in the coastal zones of Bangladesh and Vietnam for enhancing livelihoods in a sustainable manner. To achieve the great impacts of these production systems, the project provided methodologies, decision-support tools for analyzing the interactions among different components, and different spatial and temporal scales to ensure stakeholders’ full participation.

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