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1 Varisco, D. M.. 1983. Sayl and Ghayl: The ecology of the water allocation in Yemen. Human Ecology, 11(4):365-383.
Water allocation ; Water resources ; Flow ; Water scarcity ; Political aspects / Yemen
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 1258 Record No: H01520)
A comparison is made between the two major types of water allocation systems in Yemen: Seasonal flood (sayl) and highland spring flow (ghayl). Constraints in the nature of water as a flowing resource are defined for each system. The major distinctions between the two types of systems are variability in water flow (which influences the determination of access rights), techniques of water control, measurement of water turns, the need for supervision of irrigation activities, and the potential for economic expansion of the production system. It is argued that tribal political organization is an adaptive response to highland spring flow allocation in Yemen, but undergoes stress in coastal flood systems where competition for the same water source extends across tribal boundaries in upstream-down- stream conflict.

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