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1 Matsuno, Y.; van der Hoek, W.; Ranawake, M.. (Eds.) 1998. Irrigation water management and the Bundala National Park: Proceedings of the Workshop on Water Quality of the Bundala Lagoons, held at IIMI, in Colombo, Sri Lanka 03 April 1998. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. vii, 48p.
Water resource management ; Water use efficiency ; Environmental degradation ; Water quality ; Irrigation effects ; Hydrology ; Social aspects ; Wildlife ; Cattle ; Wetlands ; Lagoons ; Drainage ; Agriculture ; Land degradation ; Water scarcity / Sri Lanka / Kirindi Oya / Bundala
(Location: IWMI-SA Call no: IIMI 631.7.5 G744 MAT Record No: H023706)
The main objectives of the workshop were to discuss current insights into the water quality of the Bundala Lagoons, to set priorities for further research, and develop appropriate water management strategies that could improve and sustain the environment of the Bundala Na- tional Park. The workshop brought together a multidisciplinary group of 38 people from 22 governmental and nongovernmental organizations. After the workshop, a project protocol was finalized and now forms the basis for collaboration between several institutions involved in field based activities in the Bundala National Park.

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