Your search found 3 records
1 Wolters, W.; Ghobrial, N. S.; Bos, M. G. 1988. Division of irrigation water in the Fayoum, Egypt. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 1(2):159-172.
Irrigation programs ; Flow discharge ; Water use efficiency ; Water management ; Water distribution ; Water control / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H02688)

2 Wolters, W.; Ghobrial, N. S.; Eisa, M. 1988. Calibration of weirs in the Fayoum, Egypt. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 1(2):173-185.
Weirs ; Hydraulics ; Calibrations ; Flow discharge ; Monitoring / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H01768)

3 Wolters, W.; Ghobrial, N. S.; van Leeuwen, H. M.; Bos, M. G. 1989. Managing the water balance of the Fayoum Depression, Egypt. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 3(2):103-123.
Water balance ; Water management ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water reuse ; Drainage / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H05777)
A study of the water balances of the Fayoum irrigated lands and Lake Qarun was made to investigate the management of the irrigation system and the efficiency of irrigation water use. The two water balances are strongly interrelated. The drainage flow to Lake Qarun and the water level of the Lake are in delicate balance. A rise in lake level causes the inundation of adjacent land. Management of the Fayoum water balance assumes control over irrigation water flows, but this control has technical and organizational limitations. Also discussed is the influence of irrigation practices in the Fayoum on the water balance (e.g. the autumn flushing of fields and farmer's preference for not irrigating at night in winter). Notwithstanding a high overall efficiency, irrigation efficiency during the winter is low. The reasons for this are given, together with the constraints against improving system management. Improved uniformity of the division and application of irrigation water will enable a better technical control of flows and will result in better water management in the Fayoum.

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