Your search found 2 records
1 Datta, A.; Frans, D.; Soussan, J. 2003. Coastal zone policies and livelihoods in Bangladesh. In ADB, Water and poverty – A collection of case studies: Experiences from the Field. Manila, Philippines: ADB. pp.27-43.
Water policy ; Natural disasters ; Farmers ; Poverty ; Credit ; Forests ; Grazing ; Sustainability / Bangladesh
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 ADB Record No: H032546)

2 Frans, D.; Soussan, J. 2004. The water and poverty initiative: what we can learn and what we must do. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank (ADB). 27p. (ADB Water For All Series 3)
Poverty ; Water management ; Water governance ; Water user associations ; Women ; Water supply ; Domestic water
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 362.5 G000 FRA Record No: H038370)
(155.82 KB)
Analyzes 30 widely varying cases from 20 countries in Africa, Asia, and Micronesia that deal with water issues affecting the poor. It suggests lessons learned from interventions and challenges common beliefs about water management.

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