Your search found 2 records
1 Pacey, A.; Cullis, A.. 1986. Rainwater harvesting: The collection of rainfall and run-off in rural areas. London, UK: Intermediate Technology Publications. viii, 216p.
Water conservation ; Runoff
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 551.488 G000 PAC Record No: H07346)

2 Pacey, A.; Cullis, A.. 1989. Farming with runoff: A weapon against drought? In Kerr, C. (Ed.), Community water development. London, UK: IT Publications. pp.77-81.
Drought ; Runoff ; Rain ; Catchment areas ; Bunds ; Farming systems / Africa / Sudan
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 628.1 G000 KER Record No: H027543)

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