Your search found 4 records
1 Smajstrla, A. G.; Boggess, W. G.; Boman, B. J.; Clark, G. A.; Haman, D. Z.; Knox, G. W.; Locascio, S. J.; Obreza, T. A.; Parsons, L. R.; Rhoads, F. M.; Yeager, T.; Zazueta, F. S. 1995. Status and growth of microirrigation in Florida. In Lamm, F. R. (Ed.), Microirrigation for a changing world: Conserving resources/preserving the environment: Proceedings of the Fifth International Microirrigation Congress, Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6, 1995. St. Joseph, MI, USA: ASAE. pp.325-330.
Drip irrigation ; Small scale systems ; Costs ; Crops ; Statistics / USA / Florida
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G000 LAM Record No: H018867)

2 Boman, B. J.; Higgins, C. 1991. Projectwide water-order scheduling by computer. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 117(3):394-407.
Irrigation scheduling ; Computer techniques ; Water demand
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H08272)

3 Boman, B. J.; Parsons, M. L. 1995. Intake screen plugging effects on microirrigation pump station performance. In Lamm, F. R. (Ed.), Microirrigation for a changing world: Conserving resources/preserving the environment: Proceedings of the Fifth International Microirrigation Congress, Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6, 1995. St. Joseph, MI, USA: ASAE. pp.544-549.
Pumps ; Maintenance ; Efficiency ; Aquatic weeds ; Surface water ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Citrus fruits ; Irrigation equipment ; Irrigation engineering ; Energy consumption / USA / Florida
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G000 LAM Record No: H018902)

4 Boman, B. J.; Parsons, M. L. 1995. Considerations for component selection in microsprinkler systems. In Lamm, F. R. (Ed.), Microirrigation for a changing world: Conserving resources/preserving the environment: Proceedings of the Fifth International Microirrigation Congress, Hyatt Regency Orlando, Orlando, Florida, April 2-6, 1995. St. Joseph, MI, USA: ASAE. pp.701-707.
Sprinkler irrigation ; Small scale systems ; Irrigation equipment ; Design criteria ; Citrus fruits / USA / Florida
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G000 LAM Record No: H018928)

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