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1 Danso-Abbeam, G.; Ojo, T. O.; Baiyegunhi, L. J. S.; Ogundeji, A. A. 2021. Climate change adaptation strategies by smallholder farmers in Nigeria: does non-farm employment play any role? Heliyon, 7(6):E07162. [doi:]
Climate change adaptation ; Strategies ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Non-farm employment ; Economic activities ; Nonfarm income ; Diversification ; Households ; Participation ; Socioeconomic environment ; Models / Nigeria
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050418)
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Non-farm employment in agrarian communities in developing countries has received a lot of attention. However, its role in implementing climate change adaptation strategies is rarely discussed. This study employs a cross-sectional data to examine whether rural households in Southwest Nigeria are increasing the extent of climate change adaptation practices through their participation in non-farm employment. To account for selectivity bias, the study used endogenous treatment effect for count data model (precisely Poisson) augmented with the inverse probability-weighted-regression-adjustment (IPWRA) estimator. Both estimators found that rural non-farm jobs increase smallholder farmers' adaptive capacities and that participants would have used less adaptation techniques if they had not participated in non-farm work. Efforts to boost rural development must provide more employment opportunities for farmers, particularly during the off-cropping time. This will help farmers improve their ability to adopt more climate change adaptation strategies and, consequently increase farm productivity.

2 Danso-Abbeam, G.. 2022. Do agricultural extension services promote adoption of soil and water conservation practices? Evidence from northern Ghana. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10:100381. (Online first) [doi:]
Agricultural extension ; Soil conservation ; Water conservation ; Households ; Food security ; Smallholders ; Farmers ; Diversification ; Crop rotation ; Livestock ; Policies ; Multivariate analysis ; Probit analysis / Ghana
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051400)
(0.54 MB) (552 KB)
Agricultural environment in many developing economies has become increasingly unpredictable in recent decades as a result of climate change, increasing the risk of crop failure. Access to meaningful information is required to mitigate the negative effects of the changing environment. This study examined the impact of agricultural extension services on the adoption of soil and water conservation (SWC) practices using data obtained from farming households in Northern Ghana. A multivariate probit model was used to assess the simultaneous or/and substitution adoption of SWC practices, while endogenous switching probit (ESP) was used to estimate the impact of extension services on adoption of SWC practices to account for observed and unobserved heterogeneities. The results showed that most of the SWC practices were adopted jointly, and factors such as non-farm economic activites and farm size influence the adoption of SWC practices. Moreover, farmers who accessed agricultural extension services had a higher probability of adopting most of the SWC practices (crop rotation, contour ploughing and manure application), and those who did not benefit from extension services would have had an equally higher likelihood of adopting the SWC practices had they accessed the services. The findings of the study imply that enhancing agricultural extension services will reduce adoption gaps in SWC practices, and consequently reduce farmers’ exposure to climate-related agricultural production risks. With growing information and communication technologies, pluralistic extension service delivery that mixes governmental and private-sector-led approaches to extension operations to foster demand-driven extension delivery services are highly recommended.

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