Your search found 3 records
1 Warner, J. W.; Gates, T. K.; Fahim, W.; Ibrahim, M.; Awad, M.; Ley, T. W. 1984. Hydraulic conductivity and vertical leakage in the clay-silt layer of the Nile alluvium in Egypt. Cairo, Egypt: Egypt Water Use and Management Project. ix, 88p. (EWUP technical report no.60)
Hydraulics ; Drainage ; Silt ; Water table ; Mathematical models / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.2 G232 WAR Record No: H0878)
Data were collected from three sites in Egypt's Nile Valley and Delta to determine saturated hydraulic conductivity in the clay-silt water table aquifer and vertical leakage to the underlying Nile River sands. Auger hole test results gave saturated horizontal hydraulic conductivities of 1103 mm/day for Abyuha in the Middle Nile Valley, 197 mm/day for Beni Magdul near Cairo, and 103 mm/day for Abu Raya in the northern Delta. Auger hole, permeameter, and consolidation tests resulted in saturated vertical hydraulic conductivities of 0.03 to 4.9 mm/day for Abyuha, 0.03 to 0.87 mm/day for Beni Magdul, and 0.03 to 0.45 mm/day for Abu Raya. Several methods were used to determine vertical leakage: Darcy's law, water table decline, water budget, pumping test, and analytical solution. Average vertical leakage rates were very low for each site: 0.59 mm/day in Abyuha, 0.64 mm/day in Beni Magdul and 0.47 mm/day in Abu Raya. These results indicate poor natural drainage characteristics in the clay-silt layer which contribute to the high water table conditions observed throughout Egypt.

2 Stillwater. R.; Awad, M.. 1991. Discharge and mechanical efficiency of Egyptian water wheels. Agricultural Water Management, 20(2):135-153.
Water distribution ; Irrigation efficiency ; Water conveyance ; Technology transfer / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H09049)

3 El-Haddad, Z.; Clemmens, A. J.; El-Ansary, M.; Awad, M.. 2001. Influence of cultural practices on the performance of long level basins in Egypt. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 15(4):327-353.
Surface irrigation ; Basin irrigation ; Irrigation design ; Wheat ; Cotton ; Tillage ; Infiltration ; Clay soils ; Performance indexes ; Simulation models ; Computer models / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H029784)

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