Your search found 2 records
1 Molden, D.; Turral, H.; Amerasinghe, F.; Sharma, B. R.; Hatibu, N.; Drechsel, P.; van Koppen, B.; Wester, F.; Tharme, R.; Raschid-Sally, L.; Samad, M.; Murray-Rust, H.; Shah, T.; Acreman, M.; Smakhtin, V.; Peden, D.; Burton, M.; Albergel, J.; Meinzen-Dick, R.; Dunkhorst, B.; Merrey, D.; Mustafa, M.; Brown, D.; Dalton, J.; Flugel, W.; Gichuki, F.; Harrington, L.; Moustafa, M.; Samarasinghe, S. A. P.; Wallender, W.; Mohammed, A. 2002. Integrating research in water, food and environment. Challenge Program on Water and Food background paper 4. In CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. Challenge Program on Water and Food: background papers to the full proposal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. pp.115-160.
Agricultural research ; Water management ; River basins ; Catchment areas ; Poverty ; Ecosystems ; Water rights ; Groundwater management ; Rain-fed farming ; Water use
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 CGI Record No: H031290)
(2.41 MB)

2 Hussain, I.; Gichuki, Francis; Louw, A.; Andah, W.; Moustafa, M.. 2007. Agricultural water management pathways to breaking the poverty trap: Case studies of the Limpopo, Nile and Volta river basins. Irrigation and Drainage, 56:277-288.
River basin management ; Water potential ; Crop yield ; Rice ; Maize ; Poverty / Africa South of Sahara / Limpopo River Basin / Nile river Basin / Volta River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G110 HUS Record No: H040005)

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