Your search found 4 records
1 Jouquet, P.; Bernard-Reversat, F.; Bottinelli, N.; Orange, Didier; Rouland-Lefevre, C.; Toan, Tran Duc; Podwojewski, Pascal. 2006. Influence of change in land use and earthworm activities on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a steepland ecosystem in Northern Vietnam. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44(1): 69-77.
Soil management ; Agroecosystems ; Erosion ; Soil properties ; Earthworms ; Land use ; Soil fertility ; Nitrogen / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 631.4 G784 JOU Record No: H039293)

2 Jouquet, P.; Bottinelli, N.; Mathieu, J.; Orange, Didier; Podwojewski, Pascal; Henry des Tureaux, Thierry; Toan, Tran Duc. 2007. Impact of land-use change on earthworm diversity and activity: the consequences for soil fertility and soil erosion. In 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management, LuangPhrabang, Laos, 12-15 December 2006. pp.127-138.
Land use ; Earthworms ; Soil fertility ; Soil properties ; Erosion ; Runoff ; Infiltration ; Cassava ; Farming systems ; Eucalyptus / Vietnam / Dong Cao Watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.4 G784 JOU Record No: H040804)
Earthworms are considered useful indicators for monitoring different farming practices, landscape structures and transformations because they respond quickly to land-use change. Many articles have been written on the effects of soil macrofauna (termites and earthworms) on soil properties and the functioning of ecosystems. These soil animals are usually considered to have a positive influence on soil organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. They increase the concentration of nutrients in their biogenic structures (casts, sheetings, nests, galleries etc.) and promote the growth and diversity of plants. However, there is a lack of data concerning their impact on tropical ecosystems with steep slopes. This study is part of the Management of Soil Erosion Consortium (MSEC) project, which examines the effects of land-use changes on soil erosion on a southeast Asian regional scale. The aim of the study was to evaluate the recovery potential of earthworms and their effects on soil conservation in areas where cassava crops were replaced by four different types of vegetation cover. It was conducted in an experimental watershed in Hoa Binh province, a mountainous area of northern Vietnam. Results showed that landuse change affects earthworm diversity and that this has significant consequences in terms of soil fertility, water infiltration and soil erosion. In plots planted with eucalyptus, large amounts of plant litter and probably higher soil moisture levels favour Pheretima leucocirca activity. These worms produce surface casts, which then became free aggregates, and galleries which are sometimes open at the surface. Casts, galleries and aggregates increase water infiltration and thus reduced water runoff and soil erosion. Cassava, fallow and fodder, however, favour Metaphire californica worms, which do not make casts. A soil crust is formed, which leads to a decrease in water infiltration and increased soil erosion. The data clearly shows that biological parameters such as earthworm diversity and activity must not be neglected in studies of the determinants of soil erosion after land-use change. Upland land-use systems with vegetation that produces lots of ground litter may help encourage beneficial worm species (such as Ph. leucocirca) and thus help reduce soil erosion and accelerate restoration of degraded land.

3 Jouquet, P.; Podwojewski, P.; Bottinelli, N.; Mathieu, J.; Orange, Didier; Tran, D. T.; Valentin, Christian. 2007. Impact du changement d’usage des sols sur la biodiversite: consequences sur l’erosion des sols. Gestion integree des eaux et des sols : ressources, amenagements et risques en milieux ruraux et urbains, Editions AUF et IRD, Hanoi, Actes des Premieres Journees Scientifiques Inter- Reseaux de l’AUF, Hanoi, 6-9 novembre 2007; Paper presented at Conference, Integrated Management of Waters and Soils: Resources, infrastructures and risks in rural and urban areas, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-9 November 2007. 6p.
Erosion ; Runoff ; Ecosystems ; Biodiversity ; Soil management / Vietnam / Dong Cao experimental watershed
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.45 G784 JOU Record No: H040810)
This study deals with the influence of land use change on earthworm diversity on the one hand and the consequences of these modifications on soil erosion on the other hand. This work has been realized in the Northern Vietnam, in the Dong Cao experimental watershed (average slope ~40%). Our work shows that endogeic earthworms are associated to agrosystems with low vegetation cover (or low litter content) while agrosystems with high vegetation cover are characterized by anecic earthworms that create casts on the soil surface. The quantity of soil accumulated on the soil surface by earthworms can be very important (10-20kg m-²). A simulation of water runoff associated to the annual measurement of soil erosion from 1m² plots shows that casts deposited on the soil surface lead to a better infiltration of water but do not increase soil erosion. This study highlights that other biological factors than the vegetation must be considered for a sustainable management of steep slope agro-ecosystems in the Northern Vietnam.

4 Jouquet, P.; Podwojewski, Pascal; Bottinelli, N.; Mathieu, J.; Martinez, M. R.; Orange, Didier; Toan, Tran Duc; Valentin, Christian. 2008. Above-ground earthworm casts affect water runoff and soil erosion in northern Vietnam. Catena, 74(1): 13-21.
Erosion ; Runoff ; Simulation ; Land use ; Ecosystems / Vietnam
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.45 G784 PAS Record No: H040814)

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