Your search found 2 records
1 Izadi, B.; King, B.; Westermann, D.; McCann, I.. 1996. Modeling transport of bromide in furrow-irrigated field. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 122(2):90-96.
Surface irrigation ; Models ; Furrow irrigation ; Forecasting
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H018277)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of combining a surface irrigation model (SRFR) and two functional solute transport models (RAO and TETrans) in predicting the position of bromide (Br) measured in a 0.81-ha field under furrow irrigation. The SRFR model was used to first predict the infiltrated depths and then RAO and TETrans models were used to predict the position of the solute. Solute was transported according to position flow theory for the first irrigation and both models predicted the position of the solute with good accuracy. The solute was transported slightly faster than estimated by position flow for the second irrigation, resulting in a reduction of correct predictions by both models. Both models predicted poorly for the third irrigation because deviations from position flow were large. RAO model was more successful in predicting the peak solute position, while TETrans was more accurate in predicting mean solute depths. The latter was attributed to the differences between the two models and the sensitivity of TETrans to nodal spacing when predicting peak solute position.

2 Izadi, B.; Ashraf, M. S.; Studer, D.; McCann, I.; King, B. 1996. A simple model for the prediction of nitrate concentration in the potato root zone. Agricultural Water Management, 30(1):41-56.
Irrigation requirements ; Sprinkler irrigation ; Computer techniques ; Models ; Potatoes ; Nitrogen
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H018458)

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