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1 Foster, W. E.; Calvin, L. S.; Johns, G. M.; Rottschaefer, P.. 1986. Distributional welfare implications of an irrigation water subsidy. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(4):778-786.
Irrigated farming ; Water distribution ; Rice ; Welfare economics ; Subsidies / USA / California
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 1270 Record No: H02926)
The distributional welfare implications of a subsidy for irrigation water for California rice producers are analyzed. A more general equilibrium approach than that used in previous studies is taken in order to determine the effects of subsidy on consumers, subsidized producers, and unsubsidized producers. The two important policy conclusions of the results are that unsubsidized producers bear part of the cost of a subsidy through lower prices, and that consumers (taxpayers) may gain by sponsoring increased production through a selective subsidy.

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