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1 Villholth, Karen G.; Tottrup, C.; Stendel, M.; Maherry, A.. 2013. Integrated mapping of groundwater drought risk in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region. Hydrogeology Journal, 21(4):863-885. [doi:]
Groundwater resources ; Water demand ; Drought ; Risk assessment ; Mapping ; GIS ; Climate change ; Data ; Aquifers ; Sensitivity analysis / Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H045812)
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Groundwater drought denotes the condition and hazard during a prolonged meteorological drought when groundwater resources decline and become unavailable or inaccessible for human use. Groundwater drought risk refers to the combined physical risk and human vulnerability associated with diminished groundwater availability and access during drought. An integrated management support tool, GRiMMS, is presented, for the mapping and assessment of relative groundwater drought risk in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Based on composite mapping analysis of regionwide gridded relative indices of meteorological drought risk, hydrogeological drought proneness and human groundwater drought vulnerability, the mapping results highlight consistent areas across the region with highest groundwater drought risk and populations in the order of 39 million at risk of groundwater drought at present. Projective climate-model results suggest a potentially significant negative impact of climate change on groundwater drought risk. The tool provides a means for further attention to the key, but neglected, role of groundwater in drought management in Africa.

2 Nel, J. L.; Le Maitre, D. C.; Roux, D. J.; Colvin, C.; Smith, J. S.; Smith-Adao, L. B.; Maherry, A.; Sitas, N. 2017. Strategic water source areas for urban water security: making the connection between protecting ecosystems and benefiting from their services. Ecosystem Services, 28(Part B):251-259. [doi:]
Water resources ; Urban areas ; Water security ; Water management ; Strategies ; Water supply ; Mapping ; Water users ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Ecosystem services ; Ecological factors ; Stakeholders ; Population ; Economic aspects ; Catchment areas / Southern Africa / South Africa / Lesotho / Swaziland
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048442)
(1.15 MB)
Strategic water source areas are those areas that have a relatively high natural runoff in the region of interest, which is made accessible for supporting the region’s population or economy. These areas contribute substantially to development needs, often far away from the source. This disconnect between ecosystem service supply and use means that the social-ecological impacts of development decisions in these areas may not be obvious to users and decision makers. We identified 22 strategic water source areas in southern Africa linked to major urban centers. We quantified the population size and economy they support, and their current levels of protection. We found that strategic water source areas form only 8% of the land area but contribute 50% of the runoff. When linked to downstream urban centers, these areas support at least 51% of South Africa’s population and 64% of its economy. Yet only 13% of their land area is formally protected. We recommend using multiple strategies for the legal protection of these areas. Identifying strategic water source areas and their links to downstream users offers an opportunity for achieving synergy in spatial planning across diverse policy sectors, and enables new patterns of collaboration between government, business and civil society.

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