Your search found 1 records
1 Zwarts, L.; van Beukering, P.; Kone, B.; Wymenga, E. (Eds.) 2005. The Niger, a lifeline: Effective water management in the Upper Niger Basin. Lelystad, Netherlands; Sévaré, Mali; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Veenwouden, Netherlands: RIZA; Wetlands International (WIS); Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM); Altenburg & Wymenga Ecological Consultants (A&W) 304p.
River basins ; Hydrology ; Dams ; Reservoirs ; Flooding ; Remote sensing ; Maps ; Models ; Fisheries ; Vegetation ; Livestock ; Rice ; Ecology ; Waterfowl ; Irrigation ; Wetlands / Africa / Upper Niger River Basin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G100 ZWA Record No: H038324)

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