Your search found 3 records
1 Datt, G.; Kozel, V.; Ravallion, M. 2003. A model-based assessment of India’s progress in reducing poverty in the 1990s. Economic and Political Weekly, 38(4):355-361.
Poverty ; Assessment ; Models / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 6149 Record No: H031013)

2 Datt, G.; Ravallion, M. 1998. Why have some Indian states done better than others at reducing rural poverty? Economica, 65:17-38.
Poverty ; Models / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 6303 Record No: H032155)

3 Simler, K. R.; Mukherjee, S.; Dava, G. L.; Datt, G.. 2004. Rebuilding after war: Micro-level determinants of poverty reduction in Mozambique. Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI. xii, 96p. (IFPRI Research Report 132)
Poverty ; Simulations ; Households ; Living standards ; Sensitivity analysis ; Economic growth ; Policy / Mozambique
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 339.46 G172 SIM Record No: H035084)

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