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1 Keller, J.; Plocher, A.. 1984. Taking advantage of modern irrigation in developing countries. Paper prepared for presentation at a special invitational session at the Twelfth International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Fort Collins, Colorado USA, 28 May - 2 June 1984. Houston, TX, USA: Lindsay International Sales Corporation. 21p.
Technology ; Developing countries ; Farms ; Irrigation systems
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 109 Record No: H0791)
This paper explores the potential for using modern (in place of traditional) irrigation technologies in developing countries with emphasis on center pivot irrigation. Items discussed include: The rather phenomenal growth and interesting advantages of center pivot irrigation development; design and planning options for using modern irrigation technologies; successful development experiences and cost factors related to utilizing center pivots in developing countries; and the concept, potential and relative advantages (over traditional) irrigation development) of utilizing center pivots to supply "controlled rain" to relatively undisturbed communities of small private farms.

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