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1 Bennett, J. W.. 1969. Anthropological research bearing upon the use and development of water resources. Paper written for the Seminar on Water Resources and Social Sciences, University of Kentucky water Resources Institute. 88p.
Water resources ; Anthropology ; Research ; Development ; History ; Water use ; Development projects
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 247 Record No: H01843)
This paper samples the literature on the use and development of water resources, and their associates in the course of research on contemporary and historical societies. Most of this work concerns water resources indirectly, as an important part of inquiries devoted to descriptive studies of culture and socioeconomic change. The survey is not exhaustive; the cited literature is only representative of the range of available materials. The paper includes sections on: (1) Prehistoric archeology, particularly on the ancient high civilizations of the Middle East and Middle America; (2) the concept of "hydraulic society" and the controversies surrounding it; (3) the ecological and social consequences of large-scale water development projects in the tropics; (4) ethnological and applied anthropological work on the use of water in tribal and peasant societies, and attempts at planned change in these usages; (5) problems of water management, with special reference to maximization behaviour and competitive-cooperative interactions; (6) cultural implications of water resources development and conservation.

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