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1 Halim, M.; Hilleman, M.. 1984. Improving Egypt's irrigation system in the old lands: Findings of the Egypt Water Use and Management Project - Final report. Cairo, Egypt: Egypt Water Use and Management Project. vi, 68p.
Irrigation management ; Agricultural production ; Water management ; Water delivery ; Irrigation scheduling ; On farm research ; Farming systems / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.6.2 G232 HAL Record No: H0720)
This report describes the characteristics of the irrigation system in the old lands, various interventions that were tested by the project and recommendations to improve irrigation water use and management. In addition a list of the technical reports produced by the project is given. This report was the basis for the National Conference held from 18-20 March, 1984 where the findings and recommendations of the project were discussed in detail by approximately 150 Egyptian irrigation and agricultural specialists.

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