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1 Mukherjee, A.; Fryar, A. E.; Howell, P. D. 2007. Regional hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow modeling in the arsenic-affected areas of the western Bengal basin, West Bengal, India. Hydrogeology Journal, 15:1397-1418. [doi:]
Groundwater ; Flow ; Aquifers ; Water quality ; Arsenic ; Hydrogeology ; Models / India / West Bengal / Western Bengal Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H042237)
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The first documented interpretation of the regional-scale hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow is presented for a ~21,000-km2 area of the arsenic-affected districts of West Bengal [Murshidabad, Nadia, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas (including Calcutta)], India. A hydrostratigraphic model demonstrates the presence of a continuous, semi-confined sand aquifer underlain by a thick clay aquitard. The aquifer thickens toward the east and south. In the south, discontinuous clay layers locally divide the near-surface aquifer into several deeper, laterally connected, confined aquifers. Eight 22-layer model scenarios of regional groundwater flow were developed based on the observed topography, seasonal conditions, and inferred hydrostratigraphy. The models suggest the existence of seasonally variable, regional, north–south flow across the basin prior to the onset of extensive pumping in the 1970s. Pumping has severely distorted the flow pattern, inducing high vertical hydraulic gradients across wide cones of depression. Pumping has also increased total recharge (including irrigational return flow), inflow from rivers, and sea water intrusion. Consequently, downward flow of arsenic contaminated shallow groundwater appears to have resulted in contamination of previously safe aquifers by a combination of mechanical mixing and changes in chemical equilibrium.

2 Bhanja, S. N.; Mukherjee, A.; Saha, D.; Velicogna, I.; Famiglietti, J. S. 2016. Validation of GRACE based groundwater storage anomaly using in-situ groundwater level measurements in India. Journal of Hydrology, 543(Part B):729-738. [doi:]
Water resources ; Groundwater table ; Water storage ; Water levels ; Models ; River basins ; Aquifers ; Wells ; Satellite observation ; Hydrogeology ; Precipitation ; Estimation / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047897)
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In this study, we tried to validate groundwater storage (GWS) anomaly obtained from a combination of GRACE and land-surface model based estimates, for the first time, with GWS anomaly obtained from a dense network of in-situ groundwater observation wells within 12 major river basins in India. We used seasonal data from >15,000 groundwater observation wells between 2005 and 2013, distributed all over the country. Two recently released GRACE products, RL05 spherical harmonics (SH) and RL05 mascon (MS) products are used for comparison with in-situ data. To our knowledge, this is the first study of comparing the performance of two independent GRACE products at a sub-continental scale. Also for the first time, we have created a high resolution (0.10 0.10 ) map of specific yield for the entire country that was used for calculating GWS. Observed GWS anomalies have been computed using water level anomalies and specific yield information for the locale of individual observation wells that are up-scaled to basin-scale in order to compare with GRACE-based estimates. In general GRACE-based estimates match well (on the basis of the statistical analyses performed in the study) with observed estimates in most of the river basins. On comparing with observed GWS anomaly, GRACE-SH estimates match well in terms of RMSE, while GRACE-MS estimates show better association in terms of correlation, while the output of skewness, kurtosis, coefficient of variation (CV) and scatter analyses remain inconclusive for inter-comparison between two GRACE estimates. We used a non-parametric trend estimation approach, the Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter, to further assess the performance of the two GRACE estimates. GRACE-MS estimates clearly outperform GRACE-SH estimates for reproducing observed GWS anomaly trends with significantly (>95% confidence level) strong association in 10 out of 12 basins for GRACE-MS estimates, on the other hand, GRACE-SH estimates show significantly (>95% confidence level) strong association in 6 out of 12 basins. On the basis of the study output, we recommend using GRACE-MS estimates for groundwater studies over the region and other regions of the globe with similar climatic, hydrogeologic or groundwater withdrawal conditions.

3 Bhanja, S. N.; Rodell, M.; Li, B.; Saha, D.; Mukherjee, A.. 2017. Spatio-temporal variability of groundwater storage in India. Journal of Hydrology, 544:428-437. [doi:]
Groundwater table ; Water storage ; Spatial variation ; River basins ; Hydrogeology ; Models ; Precipitation ; Monsoon climate ; Wells ; Measurement ; Monitoring ; Satellite observation ; Costs / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047956)
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Groundwater level measurements from 3907 monitoring wells, distributed within 22 major river basins of India, are assessed to characterize their spatial and temporal variability. Groundwater storage (GWS) anomalies (relative to the long-term mean) exhibit strong seasonality, with annual maxima observed during the monsoon season and minima during pre-monsoon season. Spatial variability of GWS anomalies increases with the extent of measurements, following the power law relationship, i.e., log-(spatial variability) is linearly dependent on log-(spatial extent). In addition, the impact of well spacing on spatial variability and the power law relationship is investigated. We found that the mean GWS anomaly sampled at a 0.25 degree grid scale closes to unweighted average over all wells. The absolute error corresponding to each basin grows with increasing scale, i.e., from 0.25 degree to 1 degree. It was observed that small changes in extent could create very large changes in spatial variability at large grid scales. Spatial variability of GWS anomaly has been found to vary with climatic conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first study of the effects of well spacing on groundwater spatial variability. The results may be useful for interpreting large scale groundwater variations from unevenly spaced or sparse groundwater well observations or for siting and prioritizing wells in a network for groundwater management. The output of this study could be used to maintain a cost effective groundwater monitoring network in the study region and the approach can also be used in other parts of the globe.

4 Jeelani, G.; Shah, R. A.; Deshpande, R. D.; Fryar, A. E.; Perrin, J.; Mukherjee, A.. 2017. Distinguishing and estimating recharge to karst springs in snow and glacier dominated mountainous basins of the western Himalaya, India. Journal of Hydrology, 550:239-252. [doi:]
Water springs ; Recharge ; Karst ; Highlands ; Precipitation ; Snow cover ; Glaciers ; Snowmelt ; Flow discharge ; Temperature ; Rain ; Hydrogeology ; Hydrography ; Isotope analysis ; Elements ; Ions ; Chlorides ; Uncertainty / India / Western Himalaya / Liddar Basin / Kuthar Basin / Bringi Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048190)
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Recharge assessment is a challenge in snow and glacier dominated Himalayan basins. Quantification of recharge to karst springs in these complex geological environments is important both for hydrologic understanding and for effective water resource management. We used spring hydrographs and environmental tracers (isotopes and solutes) to distinguish and estimate the sources of spring water and to identify the flow paths of the recharging waters in three mountainous basins of the western Himalaya. The karst springs are perennial with high discharge amplitudes. The results indicate that ambient temperature has a strong influence on the hydrological behavior of the springs. Although the spring flow is dominantly controlled by the melting of snow and/or glaciers, rain events produce sharp spikes in spring hydrographs. The facies patterns in springs within the Bringi basin (Ca-HCO3) and the Liddar basin (Ca-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3) suggest flow dominantly through limestone and dolomite. Higher concentrations of SO4 2 and Na+ in warm springs of the Kuthar basin indicate flow through carbonate, silicate and other rocks. The isotopic composition (d18O, d2 H) of precipitation, snowpacks, glacier melt and karst springs show wide variation both in space and time, and are strongly influenced by the basin relief and meteorology. The tracer-based two- and three-component mixing models suggest that the snowmelt dominantly contributes to the spring flow (55–96%), followed by glacier melt (5–36%) and rain (4–34%). Based on tracer tests with good recovery rates, springs are dominantly recharged through point sources rather than by diffuse infiltration. Changes in the timing, form, and amount of winter precipitation substantially affect the timing and magnitude of spring discharge during the rest of the year.

5 Bhanja, S. N.; Mukherjee, A.. 2019. In situ and satellite-based estimates of usable groundwater storage across India: implications for drinking water supply and food security. Advances in Water Resources, 126:15-23. [doi:]
Groundwater management ; Water storage ; Water availability ; Satellite observation ; Estimation ; Drinking water ; Water supply ; Food security ; Water use ; Groundwater irrigation ; Groundwater depletion ; Groundwater table ; Precipitation / India
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049150)
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Groundwater use in India has been in the limelight in recent years due to its intensive and apparent unsustainable use that poses threats to water security, drinking water supply and food production. Here, we present estimates of usable groundwater storage, for the first time, at the state-level across all of India using both in situ and satellite-based measurements. Groundwater-level data are used from 3907 in situ monitoring wells across India and the total usable groundwater storage (UGWS) is estimated between 2005 and 2013. The UGWS estimates indicates high rates of depletion (>5 km3/yr) of groundwater storage (GWS) in north-east India (i.e. Assam), even though increase in precipitation has been observed in that state. Satellite-based (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, GRACE) estimates indicate that the development of recent GWS-depletion zones is concentrated in unconsolidated sediments or lithotype across the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra basins, in the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal. In contrast, southern and central Indian states (such as Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, and Chattisgarh), show replenishing GWS trends. We also find that the states with highest groundwater depletion rates are subjected to water-intensive cropping practices during the study period. We temporally downscale the UGWS with support from GRACE satellite-based measurements. We conclude that the approach we developed here can be applied in other parts of the world to devise management options for sustainable groundwater use.

6 Mukherjee, A.. (Ed.) 2018. Groundwater of South Asia. Singapore: Springer. 799p. (Springer Hydrogeology) [doi:]
Groundwater management ; Water resources ; Groundwater recharge ; Groundwater irrigation ; Water availability ; Water quality ; Freshwater ; Water governance ; Climate change ; Water storage ; Aquifers ; Hydrology ; Geology ; Water pollution ; Contamination ; Arsenic compounds ; Fluorides ; Coastal areas ; Salinity ; Arid zones ; Legal frameworks ; Surface water ; Water security ; Forecasting ; Investment ; Smallholders ; Socioeconomic impact / South Asia / Afghanistan / Bangladesh / Bhutan / India / Myanmar / Nepal / Pakistan / Sri Lanka / West Bengal / Bay of Bengal / Delhi / Kerala / Kashmir / Nadia / Khulna / Satkhira / Sundarbans / Bengal Basin / Kabul River Basin / Gangetic Basin / Ganges River Basin / Meghna River Basin / Indus River Basin / Brahmaputra River Basin / Farakka Barrage
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H049987)

7 Mukherjee, A.; Scanlon, B. R.; Aureli, A.; Langan, Simon; Guo, H.; McKenzie, A. A. (Eds.) 2021. Global groundwater: source, scarcity, sustainability, security, and solutions. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 676p.
Groundwater management ; Water resources ; Water scarcity ; Sustainability ; Water security ; Water availability ; Water supply ; Water governance ; Groundwater irrigation ; Groundwater pollution ; Water quality ; Contamination ; Chemical substances ; Pollutants ; Arsenic ; Groundwater recharge ; Aquifers ; Agricultural production ; Water storage ; International waters ; Water use efficiency ; Domestic water ; Surface water ; Brackish water ; Freshwater ; Desalination ; Environmental control ; Monitoring ; Climate change ; Drought ; Livelihoods ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Urbanization ; Arid zones ; Cold zones ; Hydrogeology ; Deltas ; River basins ; Technology ; Machine learning ; Modelling / Middle East / East Africa / South Asia / South Africa / Australia / USA / Brazil / China / Canada / Jamaica / Morocco / Israel / India / Pakistan / Bangladesh / Afghanistan / Lao People's Democratic Republic / Indonesia / Himalayan Region / North China Plain / Alberta / Texas / Florida / Cape Town / Medan / Barind Tract / Nile River Basin / Kingston Basin / Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Delta / Pearl River Delta
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H050267)
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8 Mukherjee, A.; Scanlon, B. R.; Aureli, A.; Langan, Simon; Guo, H.; McKenzie, A. 2021. Global groundwater: from scarcity to security through sustainability and solutions. In Mukherjee, A.; Scanlon, B. R.; Aureli, A.; Langan, Simon; Guo, H.; McKenzie, A. A. (Eds.). Global groundwater: source, scarcity, sustainability, security, and solutions. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. pp.3-20. [doi:]
Groundwater ; Water scarcity ; Water security ; Sustainability ; Water quality ; Contamination ; Water availability ; Food security ; Energy ; Nexus ; Irrigation ; Urbanization ; Economic aspects ; Trade
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI Record No: H050268)
Groundwater, the largest available global freshwater resource, plays a crucial role in human sustenance and global food security through drinking water supplies and irrigated agriculture. In recent times, many parts of the world have been experiencing discernable, large-scale groundwater depletion, and pollution. A large groundwater-dependent population, uncertain climate-reliant recharge processes, transboundary water sources, major geogenic-sourced, nonpoint contaminants, inefficient irrigation methods and human practices, and indiscriminate land use change with rising urbanization underscore the urgent need to develop models of sustainability and security for global groundwater, in terms of both quantity and quality. Climate change is expected to exacerbate these issues. We need to understand the main factors that control groundwater availability (quantity and quality) in a changing world, where climate change and human factors (overexploitation, pollution, economics, agro-food aspects and their socioeconomic side, and governance intervention) deeply influence water availability. Because groundwater represents a critical source of water in many areas, especially in developing countries, there is a need to analyze physical (hydrological), chemical (hydrogeochemistry), and human (socioeconomic) aspects within a comprehensive framework to define sustainability. Groundwater, which forms a large component of attaining the sustainable development goals, is difficult to manage (mostly not visible, limited monitoring of groundwater levels, recharge, and abstraction, poorly defined flow boundaries; transboundary issues; poor management of abstraction; uncertainty in groundwater–surface water inter-connections) and hence requires comprehensive scale–dependent governance plans. From an economic and governance point of view, there has been insufficient attention given to groundwater as a resource, which is both hidden but widely considered ubiquitous. Solutions, incorporating emerging and innovative technologies, need to be integrated with traditional knowledge, to develop future groundwater security.

9 Malakar, P.; Mukherjee, A.; Bhanja, S. N.; Ganguly, A. R.; Ray, R. K.; Zahid, A.; Sarkar, S.; Saha, D.; Chattopadhyay, S. 2021. Three decades of depth-dependent groundwater response to climate variability and human regime in the transboundary Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna mega river basin aquifers. Advances in Water Resources, 149:103856. [doi:]
Groundwater table ; Climate change ; River basins ; International waters ; Aquifers ; Groundwater recharge ; Water extraction ; Anthropogenic factors ; Water levels ; Wells ; Irrigation ; Precipitation / India / Bangladesh / Indus River Basin / Ganges River Basin / Brahmaputra River Basin / Meghna River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050254)
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Groundwater plays a major role in human adaptation and ecological sustainability against climate variability by providing global water and food security. In the Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna aquifers (IGBM), groundwater abstraction has been reported to be one of the primary contributors to groundwater storage variability. However, there is still a lack of understanding on the relative influence of climate and abstraction on groundwater. Data-guided statistical studies are reported to be crucial in understanding the human-natural complex system. Here, we attributed the long-term (1985–2015) impact of local-precipitation, global-climate cycles, and human influence on multi-depth groundwater levels (n=6753) in the IGBM using lag correlation analysis, wavelet coherence analysis, and regression-based dominance analysis. Our findings highlight the variable patterns of phase lags observed between multi-depth groundwater levels and precipitation depending on the different nature of climatic and anthropogenic drivers in different parts of the basin. We observed intuitive responses, i.e., rapid response in shallow groundwater and relatively delayed responses to the global climate patterns with increasing depth. However, in the most exploited areas, the hydrological processes governing the groundwater recharge are overwhelmed by unsustainable groundwater abstraction, thus decoupling the hydro-climatic continuum. Our results also suggest groundwater abstraction to be the dominant influence in most of the basin, particularly at the greater depth of the aquifer, thus highlighting the importance of understanding multi-depth groundwater dynamics for future groundwater management and policy interventions.

10 Kumar, S.; Joshi, S. K.; Pant, N.; Singh, S.; Chakravorty, B.; Saini, R. K.; Kumar, V.; Singh, A.; Ghosh, N. C.; Mukherjee, A.; Rai, P.; Singh, V. 2021. Hydrogeochemical evolution and groundwater recharge processes in arsenic enriched area in central Gangetic Plain, India. Applied Geochemistry, 131:105044. [doi:]
Groundwater recharge ; Hydrology ; Geochemistry ; Groundwater table ; Arsenic ; Stable isotopes ; Aquifers ; Water level ; Weathering ; Rivers / India / Gangetic Plains / Uttar Pradesh / Ballia District
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050479)
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The present study dealt with understanding hydrogeochemical evolution, ascertaining distribution, fate and spatio-temporal variation of arsenic along with comprehending recharge processes and quantification of recharge rate in the central Gangetic plain, India. The arsenic enriched area was observed mostly in the fluvial deposits with younger alluvium. The depth to water levels maps for 1996 and 2016 showed marked spatio-temporal variation and the groundwater recharge rate was estimated to be varied between 0.05 m/year and 0.07 m/year in the study area. The elevated arsenic concentration was noticed in the region, having declined groundwater recharge. A total of 147 water samples were collected from hand pumps (n = 141) and rivers (n = 6) during the pre-monsoon period (May 2016). In addition, about 81 groundwater samples were collected from 27 locations during the pre-monsoon, monsoon and winter 2019 for studying seasonal variability in the hydrogeochemical parameters and isotopic composition of water. Arsenic concentration was found more in the area where deposits of coarser sediment of the Quaternary period was present along the rivers Ganga and Ghaghra. The arsenic concentration was observed higher in the pre-monsoon (maxm. As 641 µg/L), followed by the post-monsoon (425 µg/L) and monsoon season (375 µg/L). The depleted isotopic value and higher D-excess values in groundwater suggested active recharge conditions with precipitation as the major source of recharge in the study area. It is hypothesized that rainwater induced oxygenated water into the aquifer by the process of recharge, which may prompted various biogeochemical reactions due to change in redox conditions and endorsed arsenic sorption in the monsoon season. Thereafter, anoxic conditions prevailed in the post-monsoon season, and finally, in the pre-monsoon season, reducing conditions continued and arsenic released at a rapid rate, which was justified with the seasonal variation of arsenic concentration.

11 Saha, D.; Marwaha, S.; Mukherjee, A.. (Eds.) 2018. Clean and sustainable groundwater in India. Singapore: Springer. 334p. (Springer Hydrogeology) [doi:]
Groundwater management ; Sustainability ; Groundwater flow ; Groundwater recharge ; Aquifers ; Water resources ; Water supply ; Wells ; Pumping ; Freshwater ; Saline water ; Watersheds ; Contamination ; Fluorides ; Arsenic ; Surface water ; Water levels ; Modelling / India / West Bengal / Punjab / Telangana / Chennai / Tamil Nadu / Rajasthan / Jharkhand / Madhya Pradesh / Gujarat / Uttar Pradesh / Sonbhadra / Nalgonda / Salem / Ram Ganga / Shivpuri
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy SF Record No: H050647)

12 Saxena, S.; Chouhan, N. S.; Mojumdar, S.; Nielsen, M. O.; Manchikanti, S.; Mukherjee, A.; Agarwal, N.; Rani, M.; Dutta, A.; Vignesh, R.; Walters, J. P. 2022. Bridging the rural–urban divide in sanitation with a cluster-based approach to faecal sludge management: a case study from Dhenkanal district in Odisha, India. H2Open Journal, 5(4):549-566. [doi:]
Faecal sludge ; Waste management ; Sanitation ; Rural areas ; Households ; Governance ; Infrastructure ; Sustainable Development Goals ; Toilets ; Towns ; Models ; Cluster analysis ; Capacity Development ; Case studies / India / Odisha / Dhenkanal
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051586)
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Halfway into the sustainable development goal (SDG) period, the rural and urban divide in sanitation persists. As of 2020, less than half of the global rural population has access to safely managed sanitation. In India, the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) Mission – Rural helped over 100 million rural households to construct individual toilets and access at least basic sanitation during 2014–2019. Expectedly, the increase in toilet usage has led to an urgent need for faecal sludge management (FSM). The present paper describes a novel model, rooted in an urban–rural partnership, to increase access to FSM services among rural households. In 2020–2021, we piloted the model in the Dhenkanal district in Odisha, which had a functional urban faecal sludge treatment plant (FSTP) and publicly run desludging trucks. The model adopted a five-step approach that included a data-led situational assessment, model development, stakeholder consultation, legal formalization of urban–rural partnership, and capacity building. Upon its implementation, the partnership transformed the rural sanitation service chain and resulted in the safe collection, conveyance, and treatment of 278 kL of faecal sludge from rural households within the first 5 months of implementation. As rural governments in India and other developing countries strive to achieve safely managed sanitation by 2030, the urban–rural partnership model discussed in the paper can present a viable pathway for rapidly scaling-up FSM services.

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