Your search found 3 records
1 Kuppannan, Palanisami; Kumar, D. S.; Malik, R. P. S.; Raman, S.; Kar. G.; Mohan, K. 2015. Managing water management research: analysis of four decades of research and outreach programmes in India. Economic and Political Weekly, l(26&27): 33-43.
Water management ; Research institutes ; Technology ; Agriculture ; Economic aspects ; Investment ; Farmers ; Water conservation ; Yield increases / India / Karnataka / Kerala / Tamil Nadu / Gujarat / Madhya Pradesh / Chhattisgarh / Maharashtra / Rajasthan / Haryana / Punjab / Uttar Pradesh / Himachal Pradesh / Jammu / Kashmir / Uttarakhand / Bihar / Odisha / West Bengal / Assam / Meghalaya
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047096)
(0.24 MB)

2 Shah, Tushaar; Amarasinghe, Upali A. 2016. River linking project: a solution or problem to India's water woes? In Narain, V.; Narayanamoorthy, A. (Eds). Indian water policy at the crossroads: resources, technology and reforms. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp.109-130.
Water transfer ; Water storage ; Water shortage ; Water supply ; Food supply ; Yield increases ; Irrigation efficiency ; Irrigation programs ; Rainfed farming ; Agriculture ; Ecosystem services ; Hydrological factors ; Environmental impact ; Social costs ; Resource management ; International waters ; Conflict ; Economic aspects ; Cost benefit analysis ; Investment
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047446)
(6.83 MB)

3 Lalani, B.; Dorward, P.; Holloway, G.; Wauters, E. 2016. Smallholder farmers' motivations for using conservation agriculture and the roles of yield, labour and soil fertility in decision making. Agricultural Systems, 146:80-90. [doi:]
Farming systems ; Conservation agriculture ; Agricultural practices ; Smallholders ; Farmers attitudes ; Soil fertility ; Yield increases ; Labour ; Decision making ; Psychological factors ; Human behavior ; Adaptation ; Motivation ; Models ; Socioeconomic environment / Africa South of Sahara / Mozambique / Cabo Delgado
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H047845)
(0.50 MB)
Conservation Agriculture (CA) has been widely promoted as an agro-ecological approach to sustainable production intensification. Despite numerous initiatives promoting CA across Sub-Saharan Africa there have been low rates of adoption. Furthermore, there has been strong debate concerning the ability of CA to provide benefits to smallholder farmers regarding yield, labour, soil quality and weeding, particularly where farmers are unable to access external inputs such as herbicides. This research finds evidence that CA, using no external inputs, is most attractive among the very poor and that farmers are driven primarily by strong motivational factors in the key areas of current contention, namely yield, labour, soil quality and weeding time benefits. This study is the first to incorporate a quantitative socio-psychological model to understand factors driving adoption of CA. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), it explores farmers' intention to use CA (within the next 12 months) in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique where CA has been promoted for almost a decade. The study site provides a rich population from which to examine farmers' decision making in using CA. Regression estimates show that the TPB provides a valid model of explaining farmers' intention to use CA accounting for 80% of the variation in intention. Farmers' attitude is found to be the strongest predictor of intention. This is mediated through key cognitive drivers present that influence farmers' attitude such as increased yields, reduction in labour, improvement in soil quality and reduction in weeds. Subjective norm (i.e. social pressure from referents) and perceived behavioural control also significantly influenced farmers' intention. Furthermore, path analysis identifies farmers that are members of a Farmer Field School or participants of other organisations (e.g. savings group, seed multiplication group or a specific crop/livestock association) have a significantly stronger positive attitude towards CA with the poorest the most likely users and the cohort that find it the easiest to use. This study provides improved understanding relevant to many developing countries, of smallholder farmers' adoption dynamics related to CA, and of how farmers may approach this and other ‘new’ management systems.

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