Your search found 222 records
1 League of Arab States. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development. 1983. Arab Organization for Agricultural Development Studies: 1972 -1982. Khartoum, Sudan: The Organization. 288 p.
Resource management ; Food supply ; Development ; Organizations / Arab countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 068.53 G000 LEA Record No: H0308)

2 Bachman, K. L.; Paulino, L. A. 1979. Rapid food production growth in selected developing countries: A comparative analysis of underlying trends, 1961-76. Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI. 98 p. (IFPRI Research Report 11)
Developing countries ; Food supply ; Policy
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.19 G000 BAC Record No: H059)

3 IFPRI. 1977. Food needs of developing countries: Projections of production and consumption to 1990. Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI. 157 p. (IFPRI Research Report 3)
Food supply ; Developing countries ; Forecasting
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.19 G000 IFP Record No: H068)

4 IFPRI. 1977. Recent and prospective developments in food consumption: Some policy issues. Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI. 61 p. (IFPRI Research Report 2)
Food supply ; Developing countries ; Policy ; Food consumption
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.19 G000 IFP Record No: H0156)

5 Kunwatanusorn, S. 1983. Effect of instability of world prices of major food crops on their production: A case study of Thailand. Unpublished thesis submitted to the Thammasat University for the degree of Master of Economics. xii, 138p.
Food policy ; Crop production ; Rice ; Food supply / Thailand
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.19 G750 KUN Record No: H0804)

6 World Bank. 1986. Poverty and hunger: issues and options for food security in developing countries. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank. xi, 69p. (World Bank Policy Study)
Policy ; Food supply ; Food security ; Developing countries
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.19 G000 WOR Record No: H01324)

7 Agricultural Mission to Poland. 1982. Report to the Rockefeller Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. iv, 217p.
Agricultural production ; Economic aspects ; Food supply ; Agriculture ; Policy / Poland
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 1032 Record No: H01228)

8 Chambers, R. 1987. Food and water as if poor people mattered: A professional revolution. In W. R. Jorden (Ed.), Water and water policy in world food supplies: Proceedings of the conference, 26-30 May 1985. Texas A & M University College Station, TX. USA: Texas A & M University Press. pp.15-21.
Food supply ; Water resources ; Irrigation ; Living standards
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 587 Record No: H01708)
Hunger is an extreme sign of deprivation. Failures to eliminate hunger, and past errors of belief, are reason for humility and reappraisal. Hunger in the modern world is a problem not of production but of poverty, not of the total food available but of who produces it and who can command it. Normal professionalism is also part of the problem. To alleviate deprivation and hunger, professionals need to learn from and with those who are last - the poor - and to put their priorities first, including livelihoods and personal food security. Irrigation's benefits to the land-poor - the landless and those with little land - are easily underestimated. They can include higher production, employment on more days, higher daily wages, less need to migrate, and reduced risks. From canal irrigation, benefits to the land- poor can be realized through redistribution of canal water, sliding scales of water entitlements, increases in cropping intensities, more predictability and less hassle in water supply, and equitable land distribution. From groundwater, benefits to the land-poor can be sought with pumps of + to 3 HP, rights and access to water, public policy with power tariffs, spacing wells and tubewells, and trees as poor people's solar pumps. Last-first approaches can also be applied to drinking water, water for pastoralism, common-property land, watershed development, energy, and agricultural research. Normal professionalism points away from these opportunities; to realize them and enable the poor to overcome hunger and deprivation demands a new professionalism which puts the last first.

9 Koester, U. 1986. Regional cooperation to improve food security in southern and eastern African countries. Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI. 89 p. (IFPRI Research Report 53)
Food supply ; Food security ; Economic aspects ; Food consumption / Africa / South Africa / East Africa
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: 363.8 G100 KOE Record No: H01736)

10 Jahnke, H. E.; Kirschke, D.; Lagemann, J. 1987. The impact of agricultural research in tropical Africa: A study of the collaboration between the international and national research systems. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank. xvi, 175 p. (CGIAR study paper no. 21)
Agricultural research ; Research policy ; Investment planning ; Green revolution ; International cooperation ; Economic aspects ; Food supply ; Innovations / Africa
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.16 G100 JAH Record No: H02742)

11 FAO. 1987. FAO Production yearbook. Vol. 40. Rome, Italy: FAO. xlix, 132 p.
Land ; Statistics ; Population ; Crops ; Livestock ; Food supply ; Irrigation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: R 338.06 G000 FAO Record No: H03326)

12 FAO. TAC Secretariat. 1985. TAC review of CGIAR priorities and future strategies. Rome, Italy: FAO. TAC Secretariat. xix, 177p.
Agricultural development ; Food supply ; Technology ; Policy ; Organizations ; International cooperation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.6 G000 FAO Record No: H04085)

13 Abatens, H. 1988. Structural impediments to agricultural development and the crisis of food shortage in Sub Saharan Africa. Journal of Rural Development, 7(4):385-409.
Agricultural development ; Food supply ; Farming ; Food production ; Development policy ; Land ; Research ; Environmental effects ; Planning / Africa South of Sahara
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H04977)

14 Kumar, S. K. 1988. Effects of seasonal food shortage on agricultural production in Zambia. World Development, 16(9):1051-1063.
Food supply ; Agricultural production ; Households ; Consumption ; Labor / Zambia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H05192)

15 Etienne, G. 1988. Food and poverty: India's half won battle. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications. 272p.
Rural development ; Rural sociology ; Agriculture ; Water management ; Poverty ; Food supply ; Economic aspects / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.1 G635 ETI Record No: H05317)

16 Assessment of food demand/supply prospect and related strategies for Indonesia (Inception report - Indonesia component) Washington, DC, USA: IFPRI; Centre for Agro Economic Research. v.p.
Food supply ; Food production ; Irrigation / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 362.54 G662 ASS Record No: H03704)

17 Mukhoti, B. 1985. Agriculture and employment in developing countries: Strategies for effective rural development. Boulder, Co, USA: Westview Press. x, 144p. (Westview special studies in social, political and economic development)
Agricultural manpower ; Developing countries ; Rural development ; Food supply ; Policy ; Case studies
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 331.125 G000 MUK Record No: H05941)

18 Ghatak, S.; Ingersent, K. 1984. Agriculture and economic development. Baltimore, MD, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press. xii, 380p.
Agricultural development ; Economic aspects ; Developing countries ; Population ; Food supply
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.1 G000 GHA Record No: H05938)

19 Cummings, R. G.; Brajer, V.; Mcfarland, J. W.; Trava, J.; El-Ashry, M. T. 1989. Water works: Improving irrigation management in Mexican agriculture. Washington, DC, USA: World Resources Institute. iii, 50p. (WRI paper 5)
Irrigation management ; Agricultural production ; Irrigated farming ; Food supply ; Policy / Mexico
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G404 CUM Record No: H06087)

20 Sasson, A. 1990. Feeding tomorrow's world. Paris, France: UNESCO; CTA. 805p. (Sextant 3)
Agricultural production ; Food supply
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 338.19 G000 SAS Record No: H06625)

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