Your search found 2 records
1 Tubpun, Y.. 1986. The economics of small tank irrigation in Northeast Thailand. In K. W. Easter (Ed.), Irrigation investment, technology, and management strategies for development. Boulder, CO, USA: Westview Press. pp.129-146. (Studies in water policy and management no.9)
Tanks ; Economic evaluation ; Small scale systems / Thailand / Northeast Thailand
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G000 EAS Record No: J 44)
Presents an evaluation of three small scale tanks which the Government of Thailand has implemented in Northeast Thailand to provide the basic water needs for household use, livestock use, fish production, small vegetable gardens, rice nurseries and, in some cases, dry season irrigation. The author finds that household and livestock water benefits were not large enough to cover project costs in any of the tanks. However, dry season irrigation benefits made the high performance tank very profitable. Leadership, cooperation, price incentives, and location of the tank near the village were all important in the success of the high performance tank. The study also suggests new ways of estimating tank benefits based on survey techniques to obtain farmers' willingness to pay for tanks.

2 Tubpun, Y.; Johnson, S. H. III; Early, A. 1981. Economics of three tank irrigation projects in northeastern Thailand. Research conducted as part of a Ph. D. Dissertation submitted to the University of Minnesota, 1981. 17p.
Irrigation programs ; Tank irrigation ; Economic aspects ; Water distribution / Thailand
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 570 Record No: H03973)

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