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1 Rijo, M.; de Almeida, A. B.; Pereira, L. S. 1991. Modelling automatic upstream control with SIMCAR. In Ritter, W. F. (Ed.), Irrigation and drainage: Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference sponsored by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Hawaii Section, ASCE, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 22-26, 1991. New York, NY, USA: ASCE. pp.487-493.
Canal regulation techniques ; Simulation models ; Irrigation canals ; Networks / Portugal / Sorraia Irrigation Project
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7 G430 RIT Record No: H019909)
The model SIMCAR solves the gradually varied unsteady flow in a branched canal network with upstream control, with particular attention given to the simulation of the AMIL radial gates. It is based on the Saint-Venant system of equations, which are solved by a finite-difference technique with a four- point implicit scheme weighted in time and space. Model calibration and validation are made for the canal network of the Sorraia Irrigation Project, Portugal.

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