Your search found 6 records
1 Yamaji, E.; Anbumozhi, V.. 1995. Paddy field and improvement of irrigation systems in India. In Tabuchi, T.; Hasegawa, S. (Eds), Paddy fields in the world. Tokyo, Japan: Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering. pp.69-80.
Rice ; Irrigation systems ; Agricultural production ; Canal irrigation / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 633.18 G000 TAB Record No: H018092)

2 Anbumozhi, V.; Yamaji, E.; Tabuchi, T. 1998. Rice crop growth and yield as influenced by changes in ponding water depth, water regime and fertigation level. Agricultural Water Management, 37(3):241-253.
Rice ; Plant growth ; Crop yield ; Paddy fields ; Surface irrigation ; Experiments / Japan / Chiba Prefecture
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H023100)

3 Anbumozhi, V.. 2000. Integrated rehabilitation of minor irrigation tanks for sustainable paddy agriculture in semi-arid regions of India. In ICID, Asian Regional Workshop on Sustainable Development of Irrigation and Drainage for Rice Paddy Fields - Proceedings, July 24th to 28th, 2000, Tokyo Japan. Tokyo, Japan: ICID. Japanese National Committee. pp.254-269.
Arid zones ; Tank irrigation ; Small scale systems ; Rehabilitation ; Crop-based irrigation ; Rice ; Paddy fields ; Flood control ; Wells ; Recharge ; Sustainable agriculture ; Catchment areas ; Hydrology ; Siltation / India / Tamil Nadu
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.2 G570 ICI Record No: H027892)

4 Anbumozhi, V.; Yamaji, E.; Tabuchi, T. 2001. Field-level evaluation of heterogeneity in a large-sized paddy field and development of corrective measures. Rural and Environmental Engineering, 41:18-29.
Paddy fields ; Rice ; Plant growth ; Soil properties ; Crop yield ; Fertilizers / Japan / Chiba Prefecture / Usui Town
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H029268)

5 Anbumozhi, V.; Matsumoto, K.; Yamaji, E. 2001. Towards improved performance of irrigation tanks in semi-arid regions of India: Modernization opportunities and challenges. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 15(4):293-309.
Tank irrigation ; Modernization ; Catchment areas ; Hydrology ; Conjunctive use ; Surface water ; Wells ; Groundwater ; Arid zones ; Performance ; Crop production ; Sustainable agriculture / India
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H029783)

6 Radhakrishnan, J.; Hill, R. L.; Anbumozhi, V.. 2003. Aggregation of yield monitor data for potential applications in precision farming. Rural and Environmental Engineering, 44:4-12.
Farming systems ; Crop production ; Crop yield ; Maize ; Soyabeans ; Wheat ; Mapping / USA
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H033120)

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