Your search found 1 records
1 Rijo, M.; Almeida, A. B.. 1993. Performance of an automatic upstream controlled irrigation system: Conveyance efficiencies. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 7(3):161-172.
Water conveyance ; Flow measurement ; Flow control ; Water delivery performance ; Irrigation management / Portugal
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H013081)
This paper presents a study of conveyance efficiencies in the Sorraia Irrigation Project, Portugal. The Irrigation Project is briefly described and flow measurement techniques are analyzed. Results show that efficiencies are higher during week days and normal labor hours and lower during weekends and at night. Water losses are higher than in other similar systems and the main reason is the substitution of the flow rotation method by restricted arranged schedules. An improvement process for saving water and accommodating deliveries to demands is also briefly presented.

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