Your search found 3 records
1 Abdelsalam, M. W.; Khalifa, A. A. M.; Khattab, A. F.; Bakry, M. F. 1991. Towards a flow capacity through a wide and submerged vegetal channels. In Woolridge, R.,(Ed.) Techniques for environmentally sound water resources development. London, UK: Pentech Press. pp.1-11.
Models ; Flow discharge ; Flow measurement ; Canals ; Weed control
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 333.91 G000 WOO Record No: H03790)

2 Abdelsalam, M. W.; Khattab, A. F.; Khalifa, A. A.; Bakry, M. F. 1992. Flow capacity through wide and submerged vegetal channels. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 118(5):724-732.
Open channels ; Irrigation canals ; Mathematical models ; Flow measurement ; Aquatic weeds / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H011295)

3 Abdelsalam, M. W.; Khattab, A. F.; Khalifa, A. K.; El-Samman, T. A. 1992. Design of small earthen canals in Egypt. In CIHEAM. International Conference on "Supplementary irrigation and drought water management". Vol.2. pp.S3-19.1-S3-19.9.
Irrigation canals ; Canal construction ; Maintenance ; Irrigation design / Egypt
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.2 G000 CIH Record No: H012273)

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