Your search found 2 records
1 Loevinsohn, M. E.; Mugarura,J.; Nkusi, A. 1992. Group innovation in utilising land and water resources in Rwandan valleys. In News from the field: A collection of short papers. London, UK: ODI (ODI Irrigation Management network paper no.13) pp.3-13.
Water resources ; Resource management ; Farming systems / Rwanda
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: ODI/92/13 Record No: H010308)

2 Loevinsohn, M. E.; Mugarura, J.; Nkusi, A. 1992. Innovation des groupes pour l'utilisation des terres et des ressources en eau dans les vallees du Ruanda. In ODI R,suau management de l'irrigation (edition Africaine) pp.22-33.
Irrigation systems ; Water resources ; Water use / Rwanda
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: ODI/92 Record No: H011071)
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