Your search found 14 records
1 Helmi; Vermillion, D. 1990. Using irrigation agency staff as institutional organizers: The small systems turnover program in Indonesia. In Manor, S.; Patamatamkul, S.; Olin, M. (Eds.) Role of social organizers in assisting farmer-managed irrigation systems: Proceedings of a Regional Workshop of the Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems Network held at Khon Kaen, Thailand from 15-20 May 1989. pp.33-40.
Organizations ; Small scale systems ; Farmer participation
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 MAN Record No: H006901)
(0.07 MB)

2 Asnawi, S.; Helmi. 1994. Rivercourse Irrigation Systems Inventory (RISI): An experience from West Sumatra, Indonesia. In Lauraya, F. M.; Wijayaratna, C. M.; Vermillion, D. L. (Eds) Information Support Systems for Farmer Managed Irrigation: Selected Proceedings of the Asian Regional Workshop on the Inventory of Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems and Management Information Systems, Tagaytay City, Philippines, 13-15 October 1992. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. pp.131-144.
River basin development ; Irrigation systems ; Data collection / Indonesia / Sumatra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G570 LAU Record No: H011239)

3 Helmi. 1994. Supporting farmers' organization for irrigation management, from O&M toward a business orientation: a view from Indonesia. In IIMI; Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering. International Conference on Irrigation Management Transfer, Wuhan, China, 20-24 September 1994. Draft conference papers. Vol.2. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI); Wuhan, China: Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering. pp.111-115.
Farmers' associations ; Water user associations ; Irrigation management / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IIMI 631.7.3 G000 IIM Record No: H015450)

4 Helmi. 1994. Dari pengelolaan kolektif ke sistem kontrak: Geliat petani merespon perubahan lingkungan pengelolaan irigasi kecil di Sumatera Barat. [From collective management to contractual system: Farmers' response to the changing environment of the small-scale irrigation management in West Sumatra]. VISI Irigasi Indonesia, 9(4):35-49.
Irrigation management ; Small scale systems ; Participatory management ; Farmer participation ; Farmers' attitudes / Indonesia / West Sumatra
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3800 Record No: H016520)

5 Helmi. 1995. Menyokong organisasi petani untuk pengelolaan irigasi: Dari berorientasi operasi dan pemeliharaan (OP) menuju berorientasi bisnis. [Supporting farmers' organization for irrigation management: From O&M to a business orientation]. VISI Irigasi Indonesia, 10(5):54-63.
Irrigation management ; Water user associations ; Farmers' associations ; Farmer-agency interactions / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 3801 Record No: H016527)

6 Helmi. 1995. Irrigation management in transition: Strengthening the role of water users' association (WUA) in Indonesia. VISI Irigasi Indonesia, 11(5):71-87.
Irrigation management ; Agricultural policy ; Water user associations ; Farmers' associations ; Privatization ; Farmer participation ; Rural development ; Rice / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4194 Record No: H018017)

7 Alejandrino, A. A.; Abdullah, S.; Helmi; Phan, D. H.; Ghooprasert, W.; Ray, J.; Jonch-Clausen, T.; Anukularmphai, A.; Arriëns, W. T. L. 1997. Key issues and strategies on integrated water resources management in the ASEAN subregion. Global Water Partnership (GWP); Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Regional meeting on Water Resources Management in the ASEAN Countries, ADB Headquarters, Philippines, 10-11 June 1997: Discussion paper. 16p.
Water resource management ; Resource allocation ; International cooperation ; Water resources development ; Information systems ; Water conservation ; River basin development ; Organizations / Asia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 4519 Record No: H020857)

8 Helmi. 1998. Developing sustainable farmers' organization for irrigation management: An assessment in Indonesian experience. In ICID, The Tenth Afro-Asian Regional Conference Proceedings: Water and land resources development and management for sustainable use, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, 19-24 July 1998. Volume II - C. Jakarta, Indonesia: Indonesian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (INACID) pp.C30:1-10.
Irrigation management ; Participatory management ; Water user associations ; Farmers' associations ; Assessment / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: ICID 631.7 G570 ICI Record No: H022999)

9 Helmi. 1998. Institutional reform and its implications for human resource training needs and on irrigation performance: The Small-Scale Irrigation Turnover Programme in Indonesia. In Abernethy, C. L.; Heim, F. (Eds.), Institutional reform and co-operation in irrigated agriculture, with special reference to Lao PDR and Vietnam: Proceedings of the International Workshop held from April 27 to May 2, 1998 in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR and the two national meetings held on May 7, 1998 in Hanoi, Vietnam and May 8, 1998 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Feldafing, Germany: ZEL. Food and Agriculture Development Centre. pp.158-187.
Irrigation management ; Privatization ; Small scale systems ; Human resource development ; Training ; Irrigated farming ; Water user associations ; Irrigation operation ; Maintenance ; Policy / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.3 G708 ABE Record No: H023325)

10 Helmi. 1998. Transisi pengelolaan irigasi di Indonesia. [Irrigation systems management in transition: A study of irrigation institutions and the development of water users' associations with reference to Systems Turnover Programme in Indonesia]. Visi Irigasi, Sumberdaya Air, Lahan, Dan Pembangunan, 15:121-127.
Irrigation management ; Institutions ; Water user associations ; Privatization / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 5108 Record No: H024073)

11 Helmi. 2001. Water management in the Upper Sub-Basin of the Inderagiri River Basin in Indonesia: issues and implications related to integrated water resources management. In Abernethy, C. L. (Ed.). Intersectoral management of river basins. Proceedings of an International Workshop on Integrated Water Management in Water-Stressed River Basins in Developing Countries: Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Agricultural Growth, Loskop Dam, South Africa, 16-21 October 2000. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Feldafing, Germany: German Foundation for International Development (DSE). pp.215-232.
River basins ; Water resource management ; Water use ; Water allocation ; Irrigation management ; Policy ; Population ; Climate ; Rain ; Water accounting ; Water balance ; Hydroelectric schemes ; Irrigation systems ; Water wheels ; Pumps ; Irrigation water ; Water supply ; Water rights / Indonesia / West Sumatra / Inderagiri River / Ombilin River / Singkarak Lake
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 333.91 G000 ABE Record No: H029121)

12 Helmi. 2002. Initiating the improvement of river-basin management: Ombilin River Subbasin, West Sumatra, Indonesia. In Bruns, B.; Bandaragoda, D. J.; Samad, M. (Eds.). Integrated water-resources management in a river basin context: Institutional strategies for improving the productivity of agricultural water management. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, Malang, Indonesia, 15-19 January 2001. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.89-104.
River basins ; Water resource management ; Policy ; Water balance ; Water users ; Water transfer ; Water rights ; Water rates / Indonesia / West Sumatra / Inderagiri River / Ombilin Subbasin / Singkarak
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7.3 G570 BRU Record No: H030269)
(0.26 MB)

13 Helmi; Ifdal. 2003. Water-resources management in the Upper Inderagiri River Basin, West Sumatra, Indonesia. In Bruns, B.; Bandaragoda, D. J. (Eds.), Governance for integrated water resources management in a river-basin context: Proceedings of a regional seminar, Bangkok, May, 2002. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. pp.19-33.
River basins ; Water resource management ; Climate ; Rain ; Irrigated farming ; Water transfer ; Electricity supplies ; Domestic water ; Water rights ; Water rates ; Policy / Indonesia / West Sumatra / Inderagiri River Basin / Ombilin River
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: IWMI 333.91 G570 BRU Record No: H032942)

14 Helmi. 2005. Moving beyond water provision: strategic issues related to transition of irrigation management in Indonesia. In Shivakoti, G. P.; Vermillion, D. L.; Lam, W. F.; Ostrom, E.; Pradhan, U.; Yoder, R. ( Eds.). Asian irrigation in transition: responding to challenges. New Delhi, India: Sage. pp.461-472.
Irrigation management ; Policy ; Water rights ; Poverty ; Rice ; Irrigated farming ; Empowerment / Indonesia
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: IWMI 631.7 G570 SHI Record No: H038064)

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