Your search found 2 records
1 Weller, J. A.; Green, A. P. E.. 1989. Interim report II - Water distribution at Porac Gumain River Irrigation System, early dry season 1985/86 to late dry season 1987. Wallingford, UK; Quezon City, Philippines: Hydraulics Research Ltd.; NIA. 21p. + tables, graphs. (Report OD/108)
Water distribution ; River basin development ; Water demand ; Water management / Philippines
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.7.1 G732 WEL Record No: H06640)

2 Green, A. P. E.; Juego, A. H. 1989. The influence of physical design and institutional organisation on the management of the Porac Gumain Rivers Irrigation System. Wallingford, UK: Hydraulics Research Ltd. Paper presented at the Modernization and Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Schemes, Asian Regional Symposium, the Philippines, 13-15 February 1989. 13p.
Irrigation management ; Irrigation design ; Farmers' attitudes ; Water supply / Philippines
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 3253 Record No: H013710)

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