Your search found 22 records
1 Liu, J.; Kotoda, K. 1998. Estimation of regional evapotranspiration from arid and semi-arid surfaces. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 34(1):27-41.
Evapotranspiration ; Estimation ; Evaporation ; Arid zones ; Mathematical models ; Sensitivity analysis ; Water balance / China / Heihe River Region
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: PER Record No: H022546)

2 Zhu, A. X.; Miire, A, C,; Smith, M. P.; Liu, J.; Burt, J. E.; Qi, F.; Simonson, D.; Hempel, J.; Lubich, K. 2004. Advances in information technology for soil surveys: The SoLIM effort. In Eswaran, H.; Vijarnsorn, P.; Vearasilp, T.; Padmanabhan, E. (Eds.). Innovative techniques in soil survey: Developing the foundation for a new generation of soil resource inventories and their utilization. Bangkok, Thailand: Land Development Department. pp.25-42.
Soil surveys ; GIS ; Models / USA / Wisconsin
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: 631.4 G000 ESW Record No: H037546)

3 Simic, A.; Chen, J. M.; Liu, J.; Csillag, F. 2004. Spatial scaling of net primary productivity using subpixel information. Remote Sensing of Environment, 93:246-258.
Remote sensing ; Ecosystems ; Forests ; Soil water ; Evapotranspiration ; Land cover mapping / Canada / Ontario
(Location: IWMI-HQ Call no: P 7656 Record No: H039402)

4 Liu, J.; Williams, J. R.; Zehnder, J. B.; Yang, H. 2007. GEPIC: Modelling wheat yield and crop water productivity with high resolution on a global scale. Agricultural Systems, 94:478-493.
GIS ; Simulation models ; Wheat ; Crop yield ; Estimation ; Irrigated farming ; Rainfed farming ; Water use ; Productivity
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 7934 Record No: H040275)

5 Liu, J.; Zehnder, A. J. B.; Yang, H. 2007. Historical trends in China’s virtual water trade. Water International, 32(1):78-90.
Water scarcity ; Water requirements ; Crop production ; Water use / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: P 7971 Record No: H040518)

6 Liu, J.. 2007. Modelling global water and food relations: development and application of a GIS-based EPIC model. Thesis. Delft, The Netherlands: UNESCO-IHE. 118p.
Simulation models ; GIS ; Irrigation management ; Water conservation ; Water use ; Water quality ; Crop production ; Irrigation efficiency ; Wheat ; Productivity ; Evapotranspiration / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: D 631.7.1 G000 LIU Record No: H041434)
A dissertation submitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich for the degree of Doctor of Sciences – M.Sc in Water and Environmental Resources Management

7 Liu, J.; Orr, S. 2010. Water footprint overview in the governmental, public policy, and corporate contexts. In Lundqvist, J. (Ed.). On the water front: selections from the 2009 World Water Week in Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). pp.73-79.
Water footprint ; Public policy ; Water conservation / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H043361)
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Water footprints have evolved from the quantification of virtual water theory and have been linked to advocacy, awareness, measurement for baselines and, now, to water management decision-making. To date, the role of water footprints in water policy has been limited to a few examples in the government and the corporate contexts. In this article, we show how both the government in China and one particular brewery company (SABMiller) have used the water footprint concept. In China, a sharp increase in the per capita water footprint has been reported, mainly due to diet shifts in recent decades. Partly in response to this change, the Chinese government has promoted the strategy of a “water-saving society development” to enhance water use efficiency and reduce the national water footprint. Similarly, SABMiller have used the water footprint method to estimate water reliance in their supply chain and overlay this information with business risks in the value chain. We conclude that the evolvement of the water footprint concept from basic quantitative studies to a powerful advocacy tool can help support policy development, decision-making and business risk awareness for efficient water use.

8 Vanham, D.; Hoekstra, A. Y.; Wada, Y.; Bouraoui, F.; de Roo, A.; Mekonnen, M. M.; van de Bund, W. J.; Batelaan, O.; Pavelic, Paul; Bastiaanssen, W. G. M.; Kummu, M.; Rockstrom, J.; Liu, J.; Bisselink, B.; Ronco, P.; Pistocchi, A.; Bidoglio, G. 2018. Physical water scarcity metrics for monitoring progress towards SDG target 6.4: An evaluation of indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress” Science of the Total Environment, 613&614:218-232. [doi:]
Water scarcity ; Water stress ; Water use efficiency ; Water availability ; Water quality ; Sustainable development ; Economic activities ; Evaluation ; Monitoring ; Indicators ; Environmental flows ; Surface water ; Reservoirs ; Groundwater extraction
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H048267)
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Target 6.4 of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) deals with the reduction of water scarcity. To monitor progress towards this target, two indicators are used: Indicator 6.4.1 measuring water use efficiency and 6.4.2 measuring the level of water stress (WS). This paper aims to identify whether the currently proposed indicator 6.4.2 considers the different elements that need to be accounted for in a WS indicator. WS indicators compare water use with water availability. We identify seven essential elements: 1) both gross and net water abstraction (or withdrawal) provide important information to understand WS; 2) WS indicators need to incorporate environmental flow requirements (EFR); 3) temporal and 4) spatial disaggregation is required in a WS assessment; 5) both renewable surface water and groundwater resources, including their interaction, need to be accounted for as renewable water availability; 6) alternative available water resources need to be accounted for as well, like fossil groundwater and desalinated water; 7) WS indicators need to account for water storage in reservoirs, water recycling and managed aquifer recharge. Indicator 6.4.2 considers many of these elements, but there is need for improvement. It is recommended that WS is measured based on net abstraction as well, in addition to currently only measuring WS based on gross abstraction. It does incorporate EFR. Temporal and spatial disaggregation is indeed defined as a goal in more advanced monitoring levels, in which it is also called for a differentiation between surface and groundwater resources. However, regarding element 6 and 7 there are some shortcomings for which we provide recommendations. In addition, indicator 6.4.2 is only one indicator, which monitors blue WS, but does not give information on green or green-blue water scarcity or on water quality. Within the SDG indicator framework, some of these topics are covered with other indicators.

9 Zhang, K.; Sun, X.; Jin, Y.; Liu, J.; Wang, R.; Zhang, S. 2020. Development models matter to the mutual growth of ecosystem services and household incomes in developing rural neighborhoods. Ecological Indicators, 115:106363. (Online first) [doi:]
Ecosystem services ; Household income ; Rural development ; Urbanization ; Sustainable development ; Forest cover ; Land use ; Indicators ; Policies ; Villages / China / Shandong
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049707)
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In the context of rapid urbanization, many rural communities are experiencing dramatic increases in the proportion of construction land, leading to the diminishment of ecosystem services. Conflicting development goals are a primary challenge to sustainable rural development. Increasing household income is a primary rural development concern and harmonizing the relationship between sustaining ecosystem services and increasing household incomes is critical for rural communities. To understand the factors which influence ecosystem services, household income and their mutual growth, an assessment of ecosystem services bound to land-use was carried out in 30 villages in the rapidly developing Shandong Province in eastern China. In this survey the impacts of different land use and development models on the mutual growth of ecosystem services and rural household incomes was analyzed. The results show significant variation in both ecosystem services and household incomes resulting from the implementation of four different development models. The sole ecotourism village in the survey was found to have the highest ecosystem services and household incomes, while ecological protection villages had higher ecosystem services but lower household incomes. Development models may influence ecosystem services by changing land use, and forest cover was the most important influencing factor. It was found that the Type A model, consisting of high forest cover and high marketization of ecosystem services, promoted the mutual growth of ecosystem services and household incomes. These findings suggest that appropriate development models can lead to the harmonious mutual growth of ecosystem services and rural household incomes. We argue that the methods used in this study can help improve rural management in China and elsewhere.

10 Yan, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, J.; Wang, H.; Li, D. 2020. Water use characteristics and impact factors in the Yellow River Basin, China. Water International, 45(3):148-168. [doi:]
River basins ; Domestic water ; Industrial water use ; Agricultural water use ; Water demand ; Water supply ; Water resources ; Water policy ; Precipitation ; Socioeconomic development ; Sustainability / China / Yellow River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H049894)
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This study focuses on the water use characteristics and impact factors in the Yellow River basin. Water use increased from 1980 to 2000 and then stabilized. Water use in the eight regions of the basin varies significantly in both time and space. Water use in different sectors is sensitive to variations in the irrigation area, industrial added value, efficiency, population and urbanization. Change trends are the results of the joint effects of supply-and-demand relationship and water policy. Water use is insensitive to precipitation, because irrigation mainly relies on river water and groundwater

11 Li, C.; Gan, Y.; Zhang, C.; He, H.; Fang, J.; Wang, L.; Wang, Y.; Liu, J.. 2021. "Microplastic communities" in different environments: differences, links, and role of diversity index in source analysis. Water Research, 188:116574. [doi:]
Microplastics ; Communities ; Freshwater ecosystems ; Marine environment ; Sea water ; Sediment ; Soil pollution ; Water pollution ; Polymers ; Risk assessment / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050135)
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Microplastics have been detected in various environments, yet the differences between microplastics in different environments are still largely unknown. Scientists have proposed the concept of the “microplastic cycle,” but the evidence for the movement of microplastics between different environments is still scarce. By screening the literature and extracting information, we obtained microplastic data from 709 sampling sites in freshwater, seawater, freshwater sediment, sea sediment, and soil in China. Based on the similarity between microplastics and biological communities, here we propose the concept of a “microplastic community” and examine the differences, links, and diversity of microplastic communities in different environments. Wilcoxon sign-ranks test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) showed that there were significant differences in abundance, proportion of small microplastics, and community composition (shape, color, and polymer types) of microplastics in different environments. The Mantel test showed that there were significant correlations between microplastic community composition in different environments. Network analysis based on community similarity further confirmed the links between microplastic communities. The distance decay models revealed that the links weakened with the increase of geographic distance, suggesting that sampling sites with closed geographical locations had similar pollution sources and more easily to migrate or exchange microplastics. The microplastic diversity integrated index (MDII) was established based on the diversity of microplastic shape, color, and polymer types, and its indication of the number of microplastic pollution sources was verified by the statistical fitting relationship between the number of industrial pollution sources and MDII. Our study provides new insight into the differences and links between microplastics in different environments, which contributes to the microplastic risk assessment and demonstrates the “microplastic cycle.” The establishment of the microplastic diversity integrated index could be used in source analysis of microplastics.

12 Meng, Y.; Liu, J.; Wang, Z.; Mao, G.; Wang, K.; Yang, H. 2021. Undermined co-benefits of hydropower and irrigation under climate change. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 167:105375. (Online first) [doi:]
Hydropower ; Hydroelectric power generation ; Irrigation water ; Water supply ; River basins ; Dam construction ; Climate change ; Global warming ; Water demand ; Energy ; Food security ; Nexus ; Rice ; Models / Cambodia / Thailand / Mekong River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050238)
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Dam construction is mostly aimed for multiple functions, including irrigation water provision, hydropower, and some others that bring substantial social benefits. However, global warming impacts on the interaction of the positive outcomes of damming remain little known, particularly in terms of the sustainability of their co-benefits, whereby investigating the different impacts of global warming scenarios of 1.5 °C and 2 °C has been a hotspot in water resources and energy research worldwide. This study used an integrative analysis based on a hydrological, techno-economic and agricultural modeling framework to evaluate the effects of global warming scenarios of 1.5 °C and 2 °C on the co-benefits between hydropower and irrigation in the Mekong River basin. The results show the declined hydropower generation and irrigation water supply in the Mekong River basin under 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming scenarios. The co-benefits between the hydropower and the irrigation is more undermined by the global warming of 2 °C relative to 1.5 °C in the Mekong River basin. Moreover, the changes of co-benefits are sensitive to the consideration of the protected areas in the basin. With the consideration of the protected areas, the co-benefits would be enhanced by 2 °C global warming compared to 1.5 °C global warming. Therefore, it is critical for decision-makers to consider the tradeoffs between the environment and dam construction for ensuring energy and food security under global warming scenarios.

13 Wang, Z.; Liu, J.; Li, J.; Meng, Y.; Pokhrel, Y.; Zhang, H. 2021. Basin-scale high-resolution extraction of drainage networks using 10-m sentinel-2 imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 255:112281. [doi:]
River basins ; Drainage ; Surface water ; Remote sensing ; Satellite imagery ; Landsat ; Topography ; Hydrology ; Waterlogging ; Models ; Sensitivity analysis / South East Asia / Lancang-Mekong River basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050243)
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Extraction of drainage networks is an important element of river flow routing in hydrology and large-scale estimates of river behaviors in Earth sciences. Emerging studies with a focus on greenhouse gases reveal that small rivers can contribute to more than half of the global carbon emissions from inland waters (including lakes and wetlands). However, large-scale extraction of drainage networks is constrained by the coarse resolution of observational data and models, which hinders assessments of terrestrial hydrological and biogeochemical cycles. Recognizing that Sentinel-2 satellite can detect surface water up to a 10-m resolution over large scales, we propose a new method named Remote Sensing Stream Burning (RSSB) to integrate high-resolution observational flow location with coarse topography to improve the extraction of drainage network. In RSSB, satellite-derived input is integrated in a spatially continuous manner, producing a quasi-bathymetry map where relative relief is enforced, enabling a fine-grained, accurate, and multitemporal extraction of drainage network. RSSB was applied to the Lancang-Mekong River basin to derive a 10-m resolution drainage network, with a significant reduction in location errors as validated by the river centerline measurements. The high-resolution extraction resulted in a realistic representation of meanders and detailed network connections. Further, RSSB enabled a multitemporal extraction of river networks during wet/dry seasons and before/after the formation of new channels. The proposed method is fully automated, meaning that the network extraction preserves basin-wide connectivity without requiring any postprocessing, hence facilitating the construction of drainage networks data with openly accessible imagery. The RSSB method provides a basis for the accurate representation of drainage networks that maintains channel connectivity, allows a more realistic inclusion of small rivers and streams, and enables a greater understanding of complex but active exchange between inland water and other related Earth system components.

14 Xu, J.; Xiao, Y.; Xie, G.; Liu, J.; Qin, K.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Lei, G. 2021. How to coordinate cross-regional water resource relationship by integrating water supply services flow and interregional ecological compensation. Ecological Indicators, 126:107595. (Online first) [doi:]
Water resources ; Water supply ; Water demand ; Ecosystem services ; Ecological factors ; Compensation ; Policies ; River basins ; Water use ; Socioeconomic aspects / China / Ningxia / Yellow River Basin / Hexi Inland River Basin
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H050386)
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Ecosystem service (ES) flow reveals the transregional benefits transferred from service supply areas (SSAs) to service benefiting areas (SBAs), which correspond to the sellers and buyers of interregional ecological compensation, respectively. However, current ecological compensation policies usually ignore this close connection. This study took the water supply services (WSSs) with the most obvious flow characteristics as an example and established a universal framework for interregional ecological compensation by combining WSSs flow simulation and regional disparity. The simulation process was programmed with Interactive Data Language (IDL) and analyzed with ArcGIS. Most regions serve as a dual role in the WSSs flow process, the water suppliers and users are relative and scale-dependent. Taking Ningxia as an example, As water benefiting areas (WBAs)/buyers, the total material inflow to Ningxia was 135.86 × 108 ~ 294.22 × 108 m3 from 2000 to 2015 and the value inflow ranged from 1077.39 × 108 ~ 2333.16 × 108 CNY, requiring 101.64 × 108 ~ 293.51 × 108 CNY ecological compensation paid by Ningxia. As water supply areas (WSAs)/sellers, the total material outflow from Ningxia was 72.83 × 108 ~ 200.46 × 108 m3 from 2000 to 2015, and the value outflow was between 577.54 × 108 CNY and 1589.65 × 108 CNY, requiring 63.80 × 108 ~ 112.34 × 108 CNY of ecological compensation to be paid by the downstream basins, especially the Shizuishan – Hekou Town subbasin. Overall, Ningxia was a beneficiary area of WSSs flow and the payers of interregional ecological compensation, with a net payment amount of 37.84 × 108 ~ 181.16 × 108 CNY. This study provides a direct spatial-visualized reference to water resource management for policy-makers and promotes the integration of ES flow and interregional ecological compensation. Furthermore, it can improve the public recognition of interregional ecological compensation with the spatial mapping of the levy and allocation and conducive to the sustainable provisioning of ESs ultimately.

15 Lu, Z.; Cai, F.; Liu, J.; Yang, J.; Zhang, S.; Wu, S. 2022. Evolution of water resource allocation in the river basin between administrators and managers. Hydrology Research, 53(5):716-732. [doi:]
Water resources ; Water allocation ; River basins ; Decision making ; Regulations ; Managers ; Strategies ; Water security ; Water intake ; Water rights ; Models ; Game theory
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051131)
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The reasonable allocation of water resources runs through the main links of regional water resource planning and management, which is a complex decision-making issue, ensures the sustainable development and utilization of water resources, and makes a greater contribution to the sustainable development of social economy. In this paper, evolutionary game theory is applied to the allocation of watershed water resources in a river basin. Also, the analysis of the replication dynamics and evolutionary stability strategies of water resource allocation among water resource manufacturers was done. It was found that the evolutionary game among the water resource manufacturers has only an evolutionary stability strategy. Considering the evolutionary game between water resource managers and water resource manufacturers, the evolutionary stability strategy is analyzed. This study suggests that there are two evolutionary stability strategies ( normal water intake, high level of regulation) and ( excess water intake, low level of regulation) between the water resource manufacturers and the administrative water resource regulators, where the strategy ( normal water intake, high level of regulation) is the expected direction. The evolution factors of the strategy ( normal water intake, high level of regulation) were analyzed. Furthermore, it also suggested that an effective reward and punishment mechanism will help to draw up excessive water, dismantle the conflicts between the water resource manufacturers and the administrative water resource regulators, and increase the benefits of both sides.

16 Miralles-Wilhelm, F.; Matthews, J. H.; Karres, N.; Abell, R.; Dalton, J.; Kang, S.-T.; Liu, J.; Maendly, R.; Matthews, N.; McDonald, R.; Munoz-Castillo, R.; Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F.; Pradhan, N.; Rodriguez, D.; Vigerstol, K.; van Wesenbeeck, B. 2023. Emerging themes and future directions in watershed resilience research. Water Security, 18:100132. [doi:]
Watershed management ; Watershed services ; Watersheds ; Persistence ; Resilience ; Research ; Assessment ; Stakeholders ; Water resources ; Decision making ; Decision support ; Vegetation ; Floodplains ; Ecosystem services ; Water security ; Socioeconomic aspects ; Infrastructure ; Uncertainty ; Restoration
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H051791)
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A review of ecological, social, engineering, and integrative approaches to define and apply resilience thinking is presented and comparatively discussed in the context of watershed management. Knowledge gaps are identified through an assessment of this literature and compilation of a set of research questions through stakeholder engagement activities. We derive a proposed research agenda describing key areas of inquiry such as watershed resilience variables and their interactions; leveraging watershed natural properties, processes, and dynamics to facilitate and enable resilience; analytical methods and tools including monitoring, modeling, metrics, and scenario planning, and their applications to watersheds at different spatial and temporal scales, and infusing resilience concepts as core values in watershed adaptive management.

17 Wang, L.; Gu, X.; Slater, L. J.; Lai, Y.; Zheng, Y.; Gong, J.; Dembele, Moctar; Tosunoglu, F.; Liu, J.; Zhang, X.; Kong, D.; Li, J. 2023. Attribution of the record-breaking extreme precipitation events in July 2021 over central and eastern China to anthropogenic climate change. Earth's Future, 11(9):e2023EF003613. [doi:]
Precipitation ; Anthropogenic climate change ; Extreme weather events ; Climate prediction ; Forecasting ; Climatology ; Climate models ; Time series analysis ; Greenhouse gas emissions / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052231)
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In July 2021, Typhoon In-Fa produced record-breaking extreme precipitation events (hereafter referred to as the 2021 EPEs) in central and eastern China, and caused serious socioeconomic losses and casualties. However, it is still unknown whether the 2021 EPEs can be attributed to anthropogenic climate change (ACC) and how the occurrence probabilities of precipitation events of a similar magnitude might evolve in the future. The 2021 EPEs in central (eastern) China occurred in the context of no linear trend (a significantly increasing trend at a rate of 4.44%/decade) in the region-averaged Rx5day (summer maximum 5-day accumulated precipitation) percentage precipitation anomaly (PPA), indicating that global warming might have no impact on the 2021 EPE in central China but might have impacted the 2021 EPE in eastern China by increasing the long-term trend of EPEs. Using the scaled generalized extreme value distribution, we detected a slightly negative (significantly positive) association of the Rx5day PPA time series in central (eastern) China with the global mean temperature anomaly, suggesting that global warming might have no (a detectable) contribution to the changes in occurrence probability of precipitation extremes like the 2021 EPEs in central (eastern) China. Historical attributions (1961–2020) showed that the likelihood of the 2021 EPE in central/eastern China decreased/increased by approximately +47% (-23% to +89%)/+55% (-45% to +201%) due to ACC. By the end of the 21st century, the likelihood of precipitation extremes similar to the 2021 EPE in central/eastern China under SSP585 is 14 (9–19)/15 (9–20) times higher than under historical climate conditions.

18 Lin, J.; Bryan, B. A.; Zhou, X.; Lin, P.; Do, H. X.; Gao, L.; Gu, X.; Liu, Z.; Wan, L.; Tong, S.; Huang, J.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Gao, H.; Yin, J.; Chen, Z.; Duan, W.; Xie, Z.; Cui, T.; Liu, J.; Li, M.; Li, X.; Xu, Z.; Guo, F.; Shu, L.; Li, B.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, P.; Fan, B.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, J.; Li, X.; Cai, Y.; Yang, Z. 2023. Making China’s water data accessible, usable and shareable. Nature Water, 1:328-335. [doi:]
Water resources ; Data collection ; Databases ; Monitoring ; Modelling ; Water quality ; Wastewater treatment ; Stream flow ; Transboundary waters ; Water demand ; Infrastructure ; Policies / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052133)
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Water data are essential for monitoring, managing, modelling and projecting water resources. Yet despite such data—including water quantity, quality, demand and ecology—being extensively collected in China, it remains difficult to access, use and share them. These challenges have led to poor data quality, duplication of effort and wasting of resources, limiting their utility for supporting decision-making in water resources policy and management. In this Perspective we discuss the current state of China’s water data collection, governance and sharing, the barriers to open-access water data and its impacts, and outline a path to establishing a national water data infrastructure to reform water resource management in China and support global water-data sharing initiatives.

19 Zhang, X.; Gu, X.; Slater, L. J.; Dembele, Moctar; Tosunoglu, F.; Guan, Y.; Liu, J.; Zhang, X.; Kong, D.; Xie, F.; Tang, X. 2023. Amplification of coupled hot-dry extremes over eastern monsoon China. Earth's Future, 11(12):e2023EF003604. [doi:]
Extreme weather events ; Monsoons ; Dry spells ; Heat ; Air temperature ; Humidity ; Precipitation / China
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052480)
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High air temperatures and low atmospheric humidity can result in severe disasters such as flash droughts in regions characterized by high humidity (monsoon regions). However, it remains unclear whether responses of hot extremes to warming temperature are amplified on dry days as well as the response of dry extremes on hot days. Here, taking eastern monsoon China (EMC) as a typical monsoon region, we find a faster increase in air temperature on drier summer days, and a faster decrease in atmospheric humidity on hotter days, indicating “hotter days get drier” and “drier days get hotter” (i.e., coupling hotter and drier extremes), especially in southern EMC. The southern EMC is also a hotspot where the coupling hot-dry extremes has become significantly stronger during the past six decades. The stronger hot-dry coupling in southern EMC is associated with anomalies in large-scale circulations, such as reduced total cloud cover, abnormal anticyclones in the upper atmosphere, intense descending motion, and strong moisture divergence over this region. Land-atmosphere feedback enhance the hot-dry coupling in southern EMC by increasing land surface dryness (seen as a decrease in the evaporation fraction). The decreasing evaporation fraction is associated with drying surface soil moisture, controlled by decreases in pre-summer 1-m soil moisture and summer-mean precipitation. Given hot extremes are projected to increase and atmospheric humidity is predicted to decrease in the future, it is very likely that increasing hot-dry days and associated disasters will be witnessed in monsoon regions, which should be mitigated against by adopting adaptive measures.

20 Wang, H.; Liu, J.; Klaar, M.; Chen, A.; Gudmundsson, L.; Holden, J. 2024. Anthropogenic climate change has influenced global river flow seasonality. Science, 383(6686):1009-1014. [doi:]
Climate change ; Rivers ; Stream flow ; Runoff ; Precipitation ; Soil moisture
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052632)
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Riverine ecosystems have adapted to natural discharge variations across seasons. However, evidence suggesting that climate change has already impacted magnitudes of river flow seasonality is limited to local studies, mainly focusing on changes of mean or extreme flows. This study introduces the use of apportionment entropy as a robust measure to assess flow-volume nonuniformity across seasons, enabling a global analysis. We found that ~21% of long-term river gauging stations exhibit significant alterations in seasonal flow distributions, but two-thirds of these are unrelated to trends in annual mean discharge. By combining a data-driven runoff reconstruction with state-of-the-art hydrological simulations, we identified a discernible weakening of river flow seasonality in northern high latitudes (above 50°N), a phenomenon directly linked to anthropogenic climate forcing.

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