Your search found 2 records
1 Munerol, F.; Avanzi, F.; Panizza, E.; Altamura, M.; Gabellani, S.; Polo, L.; Mantini, M.; Alessandri, B.; Ferraris, L. 2024. Water and Us: tales and hands-on laboratories to educate about sustainable and nonconflictual water resources management. Geoscience Communication, 7(1):1-15. [doi:]
Climate change ; Water resources ; Water security ; Hydrological cycle ; Anthropogenic factors ; Conflicts ; Precipitation ; Governance ; Stakeholders ; Water supply ; Indicators
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052529)
(10.70 MB) (10.7 MB)
Climate change and water security are among the grand challenges of the 21st century, but literacy on these matters among high-school students is often unsystematic and/or detached from the real world. This study aims to introduce the educational objectives, methods, and early results of “Water and Us”, a three-module initiative that can contribute to advancing water education in a warming climate by focusing on the natural and anthropogenic water cycle, climate change, and emerging water conflicts. The method of Water and Us revolves around storytelling to aid understanding and generate new knowledge, learning by doing, a flipped-classroom environment, and a constant link to examples from the real world (such as ongoing droughts across the world or seeds of conflict regarding transnational river basins). Water and Us was established in 2021–2022 and, during that school year, involved =200 students as part of a proof of concept to test the complete didactic approach using small-scale experiments. Results from =40 h of proof-of-concept events confirmed the effectiveness of this approach with respect to conveying the essential elements of the natural and anthropogenic water cycle, the most commonly recurring concepts related to climate change and water as well as the possible conflicts and solutions related to water scarcity in a warming climate. The Water and Us team remains interested in networking with colleagues and potential recipients to upscale and further develop this work.

2 Arheimer, B.; Cudennec, C.; Castellarin, A.; Grimaldi, S.; Heal, K. V.; Lupton, C.; Sarkar, A.; Tian, F.; Onema, J.-M. K.; Archfield, S.; Blöschl, G.; Chaffe, P. L. B.; Croke, B. F. W.; Dembélé, Moctar; Leong, C.; Mijic, A.; Mosquera, G. M.; Nlend, B.; Olusola, A. O.; Polo, M. J.; Sandells, M.; Sheffield, J.; van Hateren, T. C.; Shafiei, M.; Adla, S.; Agarwal, A.; Aguilar, C.; Andersson, J. C. M.; Andraos, C.; Andreu, A.; Avanzi, F.; Bart, R. R.; Bartosova, A.; Batelaan, O.; Bennett, J. C.; Bertola, M.; Bezak, N.; Boekee, J.; Bogaard, T.; Booij, M. J.; Brigode, P.; Buytaert, W.; Bziava, K.; Castelli, G.; Castro, C. V.; Ceperley, N. C.; Chidepudi, S. K. R.; Chiew, F. H. S.; Chun, K. P.; Dagnew, A. G.; Dekongmen, B. W.; del Jesus, M.; Dezetter, A.; do Nascimento Batista, J. A.; Doble, R. C.; Dogulu, N.; Eekhout, J. P. C.; Elçi, A.; Elenius, M.; Finger, D. C.; Fiori, A.; Fischer, S.; Förster, K.; Ganora, D.; Ellouze, E. G.; Ghoreishi, M.; Harvey, N.; Hrachowitz, M.; Jampani, Mahesh; Jaramillo, F.; Jongen, H. J.; Kareem, K. Y.; Khan, U. T.; Khatami, S.; Kingston, D. G.; Koren, G.; Krause, S.; Kreibich, H.; Lerat, J.; Liu, J.; de Brito, M. M.; Mahé, G.; Makurira, H.; Mazzoglio, P.; Merheb, M.; Mishra, A.; Mohammad, H.; Montanari, A.; Mujere, N.; Nabavi, E.; Nkwasa, A.; Alegria, M. E. O.; Orieschnig, C.; Ovcharuk, V.; Palmate, S. S.; Pande, S.; Pandey, S.; Papacharalampous, G.; Pechlivanidis, I.; Penny, G.; Pimentel, R.; Post, D. A.; Prieto, C.; Razavi, S.; Salazar-Galán, S.; Namboothiri, A. S.; Santos, P. P.; Savenije, H.; Shanono, N. J.; Sharma, A.; Sivapalan, M.; Smagulov, Z.; Szolgay, J.; Teng, J.; Teuling, A. J.; Teutschbein, C.; Tyralis, H.; van Griensven, A.; van Schalkwyk, A. J.; van Tiel, M.; Viglione, A.; Volpi, E.; Wagener, T.; Wang-Erlandsson, L.; Wens, M.; Xia, J. 2024. The IAHS science for solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN a Global world (HELPING). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 50p. (Online first) [doi:]
Hydrology ; Water scarcity ; Transdisciplinary research ; Local knowledge ; Water security ; Prediction ; Anthropocene ; Stakeholders ; Sustainable Development Goals
(Location: IWMI HQ Call no: e-copy only Record No: H052865)
(4.65 MB) (4.65 MB)
The new scientific decade (2023-2032) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) aims at searching for sustainable solutions to undesired water conditions - may it be too little, too much or too polluted. Many of the current issues originate from global change, while solutions to problems must embrace local understanding and context. The decade will explore the current water crises by searching for actionable knowledge within three themes: global and local interactions, sustainable solutions and innovative cross-cutting methods. We capitalise on previous IAHS Scientific Decades shaping a trilogy; from Hydrological Predictions (PUB) to Change and Interdisciplinarity (Panta Rhei) to Solutions (HELPING). The vision is to solve fundamental water-related environmental and societal problems by engaging with other disciplines and local stakeholders. The decade endorses mutual learning and co-creation to progress towards UN sustainable development goals. Hence, HELPING is a vehicle for putting science in action, driven by scientists working on local hydrology in coordination with local, regional, and global processes.

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